- What do you think heaven looks like?
- What does Dad do at work?
- Who is a person you know that seems the most Christ-like?
- What do you think your wife (husband) will be like?
- If you were going to spend one year on a desert island and could only take three things with you, what would they be?
- Who is your favorite aunt or uncle and why do you like him or her so much?
- What sounds and smells do you think Joseph and Mary experienced in the stable on Christmas night?
- What is the nicest thing I ever did for you?
- When is a time that I hurt your feelings?
- When is a time that you were really mad at me?
- If people followed the Golden Rule, think of all the things we wouldn’t need. Can you make a list?
- If you could be in a movie that you’ve already seen, which one would it be? Would you be a character that is already in the movie, or would you be one that you would add?
- How is love different for a Christian couple than it is in the movies?
- What is the difference between being smart and being wise?
- What is your favorite outfit? What is the hardest part about being (fill in your child’s age)?
- What has been your favorite childhood memory?
- When you pray, how do you picture God?
- What is your favorite Bible verse? Why do you like it?
- If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be?
- If you could go in a time machine, what era in history would you like to visit?
- What person in history would you like to visit?
- What is the most important decision you will ever make?
© Excepted from Being a Great Mom, Raising Great Kids by Sharon Jaynes. Moody Publishers.
Used with permission. www.ReviveOurHearts.com