Daily Reflections

A Heart of Gratitude and Praise

December 22, 2023 Kim Cash Tate

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his faithful love endures forever. —Psalm 107:1

We have “forever reasons” to give thanks and praise. No matter what we face, we are able to rejoice and give thanks because of the Lord’s goodness and grace in redeeming us. . . . As we meditate on the richness of our lives in Christ, gratitude and praise can’t help but pour forth.

There are also abundant everyday reasons to praise and give thanks. . . . The gentle breeze that caresses your face. The friend who thought of you at just the right time and called. . . . The current trial you’re facing—yes, give thanks even in that! . . .

The more we notice even the “little things” for which we can give thanks and praise, the more we see God’s goodness and grace at work in our lives. . . . And every moment we thank God and praise Him, we are talking to Him. We are inviting Him into that moment of our day. We are realizing that He is in every moment of our day.


Cling: Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God ©2017 by Kim Cash Tate. Used by permission of Our DailyBread Publishing, Box 3566, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. All rights reserved. ourdailybreadpublishing.org/gh739.html

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How can you develop a mentality of seeing God in every moment of your day?