Daily Reflections


October 17, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” —Luke 12:2

Do you realize that the first clothing was designed to be camouflage? Adam and Eve hoped their fig leaves would allow them to blend in to their surroundings and hide from God. Sometimes we do the same thing.

Our natural tendency is to make excuses, to cover up our sin, and make ourselves look better than we are, but God sees it all. He asked Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” Of course, God knew exactly where they were and what they had done, but He was giving them a chance to admit their sin. He gives us the same chance.

God faithfully gives His straying children opportunity to repent. He wants us to break the silence and admit our wrongdoing. He may do this by sending one of His servants to confront us, by causing us to suffer the consequences of our sin, or by allowing us to experience a deeper sense of His love and mercy. However God chooses to get our attention, the best response to Him is an honest one.

Make it Personal

When God convicts you of your sin, are you honest with Him or do you try to hide?