Daily Reflections

Focused Waiting

October 19, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; I wait for you all day long. —Psalm 25:5.

Waiting would be easier if we knew exactly how long we’d have to wait, or if we could be certain that we’d like the outcome, or if we could be numb to anxiety.

But waiting usually doesn’t come with those privileges, does it? Instead, it comes with a side of uncertainty. And while that can’t be avoided, there is one thing we can do. In order to be better at waiting, we can change our focus. It is the One who brings the answer that we really want. The what and when of waiting are ultimately resolved in who gives the answer.

The what may be an unmade decision or an unfulfilled promise, and the when is the (felt) delay. But for believers, the who is always paramount because we know—if we’re thinking clearly—that we are actually waiting on God to tell us His will and His plan. When God is our focus, waiting becomes an opportunity rather than an interruption.


Habakkuk: Moving from Fear to Faith (Revive Our Hearts series)

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

What have you learned about God’s nature in seasons of waiting?