Daily Reflections

In Times Like These

May 2, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone. —1 Timothy 2:1

Earthquakes and other natural disasters, rampant disease, economic distress, international upheaval—how can Christians stand firm in faith when life seems to spiral out of control?

The Bible says there will come a day when people’s hearts will “faint from fear” (Luke 21:26). Fear-induced heart problems became a major concern during World War II. Some 250,000 Americans were killed in combat but another two million Americans reportedly died of cardiovascular disease. Physicians believed that one-third to one- half of these deaths were directly related to worry. Anxiety killed more Americans than the war itself!

In “times like these,” fear can be turned to faith as we intercede for our leaders, their advisors, and our military; for our families; for evil to be overcome; for God’s purposes to be accomplished in our world; and so much more.

In “times like these,” we find comfort, peace, and perspective, as we turn our hearts to Scripture and affirm our reliance on our sovereign God who is fully in control and is actively at work in our world.


In Times Like These . . . Praying for Our Nation and Our World ©2003 Revive Our Hearts

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Pray for wisdom for the leaders in your city, state, and country, that they would fear God rather than men and seek His guidance.