Daily Reflections

Moods and Attitudes

December 11, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. —1 Thessalonians 5:23

My recollection of the year I was twelve is that I cried the whole time—for no apparent reason. I remember being uncharacteristically temperamental. As I look back, I better understand some of the hormonal changes that were taking place. But I’ve also learned that wasn’t an excuse for the moodiness that was part of my pattern that year.

And it’s still no excuse today.

As with other aspects of nature, God has designed our bodies to function in seasons and cycles. Certainly, each season has its challenges. But didn’t God make our bodies? Doesn’t He understand how they work?

I keep reminding myself that it’s inconceivable that the One who “created my inward parts” and “knit[ted] me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13) would fail to make provision for every season of life. God doesn’t guarantee an easy or trouble-free life, but He has promised to meet all our needs and give us grace to respond to the challenges and difficulties of every season.


The Quiet Place: DailyDevotional Readings ©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Thank God for the grace and power He has provided to enable you to please Him in every way, in every season.