Daily Reflections

A Word of Encouragement

August 24, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you. —Philippians 1:3

Take time to express your gratitude as frequently as possible, by whatever means possible, to as many people as possible. When I think of how often God has used notes of grat- itude from others to encourage and strengthen my heart, it makes me wonder who else may have needed a word of encouragement that I failed to send in response to the prompting of God’s Spirit.

I think the apostle Paul (a prolific thank-you note writer himself) would rejoice to see that we got what he was saying—that those who sow bountifully are also the ones who get to reap bountifully, “overflowing in many thanksgivings to God” along the way (2 Cor. 9:6–12).

I challenge you, if you’re not already in the habit, to pursue this goal with relish. Perhaps you could keep some cards by your bed, your desk, or wherever you’re most likely to put them to use. If you want to run one of gratitude’s most enjoyable and encouraging errands, keep your stationery stash well-stocked. It’s a can’t-miss investment in others.

Make it Personal

Think of five people that you could thank for their influence on your life, then write at least one a note of gratitude.