Grounded Podcast

Stewarding Screen Time, with Arlene Pellicane

Topics: Technology

Are you the boss of your phone, or is your phone the boss of you? Arlene Pellicane joins our hosts to talk about the impact of our screens and our addiction to them. She challenges you to see how those patterns creep into your relationship with Jesus. Learn how to keep your cell phone from stealing your peace, hope, and joy.

Episode Notes:

Screen Addiction Quiz

Connect with Arlene:


Instagram: @arlenepellicane


Twitter: @ArlenePellicane


Erin Davis: What's the size of the deck of cards and capable of stealing your peace? We're gonna find out in this Memorial Day edition of Grounded. I'm Erin Davis. 

Portia Collins: And I'm Portia Collins, our co-host, Danna Gresh and Alejandra Slemin have this week off. But Erin and I are here every Monday morning to give you an infusion of hope and perspective.

Erin: We are. 

Portia: Erin, we're in Michigan. …

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About the Hosts

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is married to her high school sweetheart, Jason, and together they parent four energetic boys on their small farm in the midwest. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, the content manager … read more …

Portia Collins

Portia Collins serves on the Revive Our Hearts team as the Monthly Partner Specialist and co-host of the weekly videocast, Grounded. Her favorite part of her job is meeting the ministry partners who help make the mission possible. Portia is … read more …

About the Guest

Arlene Pellicane

Arlene Pellicane is an author, speaker, and formerly served as the associate producer for Turning Point Television with Dr. David Jeremiah. She is the host of Happy Home podcast and has been on the writing team for Proverbs 31 Ministries … read more …