Revive Our Hearts Podcast

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: If you're involved in ministering to other women, you know what it's like to feel pressure.

Woman 1: So often, you feel depleted, unappreciated, disrespected, and disregarded.

Woman 2: You try to share the truth with women, and they don't want to receive it. You watch their lives fall apart.

Woman 3: As a leader you never feel like you're doing it very well. You never feel like you have it right.

Nancy: If you're a pastor's wife, counselor, ministry leader, Bible study teacher, small group leader—if you're involved with women's ministry in any way—I want to encourage you to be refreshed and to be refocused at a conference we've designed just for you.

Revive Our Hearts, the ministry that brought you the True Woman conferences presents Revive '15: Women Teaching Women.

Jen Wilkin will be speaking. She teaches a large Bible study for …

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About the Teacher

Andrea Griffith

Andrea Griffith

Andrea Griffith is speaker and writer with FamilyLife. Prior to that, she was a pastor’s wife and conference speaker for Life Action Ministries. She has ministered to women in hundreds of local churches and spoken at national conferences where she … read more …