Revive Our Hearts Podcast

Leslie Basham: Betsy Gómez grew up in church, but never realized she could glorify God by investing in her husband and her children.

Betsy Gómez: I was never trained to love my home. I was never trained to live according to this order.

Leslie: This is Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author of Adorned, for Monday, January 22, 2018. 

Nancy: For the past couple of weeks, some of my dear friends have been exploring how we can live out the beauty of the gospel. We’ve been listening to the messages from the Revive '17 conference, all based on Titus chapter 2. That conference took place last fall in Indianapolis.

We’ll hear the final messages this week, beginning with Betsy Gómez. She was a marketing executive in the Dominican Republic who barely even knew her young children because she devoted so much time to her work which she …

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Episode Resources

Watch "The VBS Meeting"—a dramatic presentation that preceded this message at Revive '17.

Watch Betsy deliver this message.

About the Teacher

Betsy Gómez

Betsy Gómez

Betsy Gómez has a great passion for inspiring women to treasure Christ in the ordinary of life. She is the Marketing and Media Manager for Aviva Nuestros Corazones (Revive Our Hearts' Hispanic outreach) where she also leads the … read more …