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The Heart God Revives

What has you worn out? What has you in a place where you are at the end of your rope, at the end of your hope? …

Brokenness: The Heart God Revives

There is only one pathway to holiness, one road to genuine revival, and that is the pathway of humility or brokenness. Brokenness is where true revival begins.

Brokenness - 25 Pack - Bookmark | Store

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Brokenness is where true revival begins. On these bookmarks, Nancy contrasts the characteristics of a Proud People versus a Broken People. (Pack of 25)

Brokenness Bookmark: The Heart God Revives | Articles

article | May 24, 2011

Proud people focus on the failures of others. Broken people are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need. Proud people have a critical, fault-finding spirit; they look at everyone else’s faults with a microscope but their own with a telescope. …

Brokenness: The Heart God Revives Book & Bookmark | Store

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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth draws readers into a deeper understanding of biblical brokenness. A richer, deeper life in Christ is waiting for you.

Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes by season: Brokenness: The Heart God Revives

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podcast season | July 6, 2015

Experience the power of revival in your heart as you learn how to live with the "roof off" in your relationship with God and the "walls down" in your relationship with others.

Surgery | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 7, 2022

Ask God to show you your needs and change you.

Contrite | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | September 27, 2024

God will draw near to those with a broken, contrite heart.

Wash Your Heart | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | January 25, 2023

Sometimes an outward religious appearance covers up a sinful heart.

Fallen on the Rock | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 9, 2015

The heart attitude of humility and obedience says before God, "Yes Lord, I will obey You."