
48 Results

It's Time to Pray, Day 36 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | September 5, 2020

It is time to begin praying for a return to laws that have their basis in God's Word.

It's Time to Pray, Day 35 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | September 4, 2020

The picture of the judgment seat of Christ should drive us to our knees in passionate prayer for our leaders.

It's Time to Pray, Day 39 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | September 8, 2020

A spiritual revolution in America will take place when we walk in humility before God and each other.

It's Time to Pray, Day 34 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | September 3, 2020

God wants His people to get serious about being His hands, feet, and voice!

It's Time to Pray, Day 12 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | August 12, 2020

What would it be like in a nation that has learned to wait upon the Lord?

It's Time to Pray, Day 6 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | August 6, 2020

Fear is tough to live with and causes a nation to react in man-made ways that are not always godly.