It all started with one woman, willing to say, “Yes, Lord!”
Before Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s voice crossed a single air wave . . .
Before the True Woman Movement . . .
Before Revive Our Hearts became a global staff numbering hundreds . . .
Before the Lord used this ministry to lead millions of women to greater freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ, there was this scene: one woman, alone with the Lord. Prayerful. Contemplative. Earnestly desiring to see God pour out His Spirit in a fresh and meaningful way in our day.
Born into a committed Christian home, Nancy surrendered her life to Jesus at the tender age of four. Just three years later, at age seven, Nancy began to sense that the Lord was calling her to serve Him as a missionary. In the penmanship of a child, she wrote her parents a letter expressing her desire to obey the Shepherd’s voice. Looking back on that moment, Nancy reflected:
“I had a distinctive sense that God owned my life; that my life belonged to Him, and that I had been set apart to be used by Him in His kingdom.”
Those early seeds of surrender took root and began to grow into an intense desire to see other women say, “Yes, Lord!” to the authority of Jesus and to live according to His Word. As God’s plan for Nancy’s life began to unfold, it was clear that her assignment was not to go to the nations in His name, but to faithfully teach the Bible and to call women to pursue personal revival.
More than twenty years ago, on the eve of the first Revive Our Hearts broadcast, Nancy poured out her heart in her journal:
O Lord, would You be pleased to multiply the seeds we have sown and produce a great harvest of revival and righteousness in the lives of women. How I pray for a movement of Your Spirit that cannot be explained in terms of human effort. Would You turn Your face toward us, cause it to shine upon us, and turn the hearts of women toward Yourself. May You be magnified through this ministry. Forbid that I should take any credit or accept any glory for what You do. May I walk in humility and a contrite spirit before You.
Years after the launch of Revive Our Hearts and in response to the growing confusion about gender and sexuality in the culture and the Church, Nancy felt a fresh burden: to call women to live according to God’s design and for His glory.
The first True Woman conference was held in 2008. There, thousands of women signed the True Woman Manifesto, committing to live out the blueprint for manhood and womanhood found in Scripture.
In the years since, True Woman conferences have been attended by tens of thousands of women from around the world and streamed to countless more. At each event, women are invited to wave the white flag of surrender to God’s authority in their lives.
Though changing technologies and shifting cultural ideals create new opportunities and challenges, the mission of Revive Our Hearts remains the same. We will continue to ask the Lord to send revival and to pray for a grassroots movement of Christian women who will reflect the beauty of Christ, are filled with the Spirit, and are committed to live out the implications of the gospel in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities.
You who seek God, let your hearts revive. —Psalm 69:32