Ambassadors - Connecting. Encouraging. Equipping.

Ambassadors help leaders press on in the vital work of women’s ministry. They are eager to pray with you, to encourage you, to equip you, and to support you as you serve.

Are you a women’s ministry leader or pastor's wife, who has felt the pangs of loneliness in ministry or the desire for someone to simply say, “I see you”? Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors use their time and talents to pour into women like you, knowing that their efforts will be multiplied over and over through your influence, for the cause of Christ. Get to know your Ambassador today. She’s waiting to cheer you on.

Talk to Your Local Ambassador

As a Revive Our Hearts Ambassador, Kim encourages women’s ministry leaders and pastors’ wives, helping them to press on in the vital work of ministry. If you love Revive Our Hearts and share Kim’s desire to encourage and equip other women who lead, we’ve got a mission for you.

Explore the Ambassador Program

Jennifer decided to equip leaders as an Ambassador.

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Leaders Need You

If you have a desire to encourage and equip other women as they lead, we've got a mission for you.

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I Want to Help!

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