It’s not too late to grab a copy of Family: How to Love Yours and Help Them Like You Back and join us in the Summer Book Club! In “Ouch! (Learning to Forgive),” I divulged my weird “sympathy pains” thing, and we discovered some myths about forgiveness and healthy ways to cope with family pain. So how can we handle and cope with the pain we experience within our families? Are we allowing the pain to be a tool that pushes us toward growth? Or are we handling the pain in destructive ways? I’m here to chat about these ideas with you this week: Whether you’ve been ignored, belittled, abused, or abandoned, family pain can cut really, really deep.
If you have the book, look back at the healthy ways to cope with pain on pages 47–50. Which do you do already? Which do you want to try? Keep turning those pages in Family: How to Love Yours (and Help Them Like You Back)! We’re moving into chapter four, “Ditching the Attitude,” this week.