From The Archives: A Texting Taboo

I've noticed a trend in lots of my friends your age. Yes, I admit, it's become a pet peeve. This might not be true of you, but lots of the girls I know text all the time and at all the wrong times. They text when we're hanging out together. They text in church or in a Bible study. Don't get me wrong—it's not that there's something inherently bad about texting, but . . . what are your media habits communicating to those around you? When my friends do this, they might as well say, "This is more important to me than you. You come second." You know, I'm guilty of communicating the same thing—to others—and to God! I've often hurried my times with Him so that I can get to my computer and check my email. How about you? What do you think your media habits communicate to your family, friends—and ultimately, to God?

In humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others (Phil. 2:3–4).

About the Author

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller is a gifted communicator with a tenacious commitment to Scripture coupled with a compassionate, loving voice. God has captured Paula’s heart, and she is passionate about sharing life-changing, gospel truths through the lens of her everyday, ordinary life as a wife, mom, neighbor, and church member. She served with Revive Our Hearts for fifteen years and wrote Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom; catch her writing on