How to Share Your Testimony So That Others Think GOD is Awesome . . . Not You

Hey, chicas! You've been reading our testimonies all this week . . . now we'd love to hear yours. Here are a few tips to think about as you tell others what God has done in your life:

Be brief.

People are distracted. Busy. Sometimes they don't care. Ask God to help you summarize years' worth of lessons and transformation into one short story.

Be specific.

God can really use you to help and encourage others as you specifically share where God found you, what sin you were a slave to, and how He freed you. At the same time, there are certain situations where some details are just not appropriate to share and might even lead others to temptation/sin. Use discernment on how many details to include based on who is listening. But don't be afraid to let people see who you were—it makes Jesus look that much greater! Here are some questions to think through as you write/share your testimony:

  1. Where did God find me?
  2. What were the consequences I suffered from going my own way?
  3. What did God say to me?
  4. How did I respond?
  5. What are the benefits or changes I've experienced because of my obedience?

Bring all glory to God.

This is a hard one, because we tend to think more highly of ourselves than we should and want others to think we're pretty great. But if you've really experienced Jesus' inside-out heart transformation, you will know that only His power was able to deliver you from sin. Who does your testimony make look great—you or Jesus? Hope that helps as you tell the world—and us—how great your God is! Ready, set, go. No, really ... ready, set, go! We want you to be intentional about telling others about Jesus. So here's a homework assignment. (Yes, we realize it's summer vacation!) Find two people to share your testimony with this week. They can be people who already know about Jesus if you want to get the hang of sharing your story with someone you're comfortable with. But please consider praying for God to give you an opportunity to share what He's done in your life with someone who doesn't know Him. And then, when the opportunity presents itself, don't miss the chance to gush about Jesus!

PS: If you're anything like me your story will continue to change, because God never stops working on us, transforming us to look more like Jesus (Rom. 8:29). But that doesn't mean you shouldn't share with others what He's done up till this point!

About the Author

Paula Marsteller

Paula Marsteller is a gifted communicator with a tenacious commitment to Scripture coupled with a compassionate, loving voice. God has captured Paula’s heart, and she is passionate about sharing life-changing, gospel truths through the lens of her everyday, ordinary life as a wife, mom, neighbor, and church member. She served with Revive Our Hearts for fifteen years and wrote Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey from Neediness to Freedom; catch her writing on