Living the Surrendered Life

One of the most beloved hymns of the church reflects was penned in 1874 by a single woman named Frances Ridley Havergal. Written as a prayer, each line focuses on one dimension of what it means to be fully consecrated to Christ.

The following questions are intended to help you personalize and apply this wonderful text. I would encourage you to set aside some time for thoughtful, prayerful reflection and response.

My life

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.

  • Have I made a volitional, unconditional, lifetime surrender of my life to Christ?
  • Am I seeking to live out that surrender on a daily basis?
  • Are there any “compartments” of my life over which I am reserving the right to exercise control?

My time

Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.

  • Do I live with the conscious realization that all my time belongs to God, or have I merely reserved a portion of my time for the spiritual “category” of my life?
  • Do I set apart time each day for worship, prayer, and personal devotion?
  • Am I squandering time with meaningless, useless conversation or entertainment?
  • Do I become resentful or impatient when others interrupt my schedule or when I am faced with unplanned demands on my time?

My body

Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

  • Am I yielding the parts of my body to God as instruments of righteousness (Rom. 6:13)?
  • Do I use the parts of my body to express the kindness and love of Christ to others (e.g., using my hands for serving, for gentle touch)?
  • Are any of the members of my body—eyes, ears, hands, feet, mouth—being used to sin against God (e.g., stealing, lying, listening to or repeating gossip, inflicting physical harm on mate or children, listening to profanity, viewing pornography, sexual sin)?

My tongue

Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.

  • Do the words that come out of my mouth reveal that my lips and tongue are fully surrendered to God?
  • Do I habitually verbalize the goodness and greatness of God?
  • Before I speak, do I ask the Lord what He wants me to say?

My possessions

Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.

  • Do I treat any of my possessions as if they were mine rather than God’s?
  • Do I give generously, sacrificially, and gladly to the Lord’s work and to others in need?
  • Do I own anything that I would not be willing to part with if God were to take it from me or ask me to give it to another?

My mind

Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.

  • Am I bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)?
  • Am I disciplining my mind to get to know God and His Word better?
  • Do I habitually think about things that are just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy (see Phil. 4:8), rather than things that are unwholesome, negative, impure, or vain?

My will

Take my will and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.

  • Do I consistently seek to know and to do the will of God in practical, daily matters?
  • When I read the Word of God, am I quick to say “Yes, Lord” and to do what it says?
  • Am I submissive to the human authorities God has placed over me (civil, church, home, work)?

My affections

Take my heart; it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.

  • Am I allowing Christ to reign and rule over my affections, my emotions, and my responses?
  • Am I easily angered or provoked?
  • Are my desires, appetites, and longings under Christ’s control?

My relationships

Take my love; my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.

  • Is it my desire and intent to love God with all my heart, above all earthly relationships? Do I enjoy and seek out the friendship of God as much as I do human friendships?
  • Do I love God more than I love myself? Do I seek His interests, His reputation, and His pleasure above my own?
  • Have I surrendered to God all my desires, rights, and expectations regarding my family?
  • Am I willing to sacrifice friendships, if necessary, in order to obey God and His call in my life?


Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.

  • Have I surrendered all that I am and all that I have to God?
  • Is there any part of myself—my plans, relationships, possessions, emotions, career, future—that I am knowingly holding back from God?
  • Have I settled the issue that the ultimate purpose of my life is to please God and bring Him glory?

You may have expressed your desire to be fully surrendered to God many times before. Or you may just now be recognizing what it means to be totally surrendered to Him. Regardless, would you stop—right now, if possible—and slip to your knees before the Lord and pray, “ Lord, I surrender every part of my being—all I am and all I have—to You”?

As you pray these words, visualize the place where you are kneeling as an altar of sacrifice, and picture each part of yourself being offered up to God as a living sacrifice.

© Moody Publishers. Used with permission. Excerpted from Surrender: The Heart God Controls by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.



About the Author

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has touched the lives of millions of women through two nationally syndicated radio programs heard each day—Revive Our Hearts and Seeking Him. Her books have sold more than five million copies. Through her writing, podcasts, and events, Nancy is reaching the hearts of women around the world, calling them to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.