
27 Results

Nancy’s Tips for Advent Preparation | Articles

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article | November 25, 2019

Over the years, whenever Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth speaks, I’ve learned to lean in and listen. Through her daily teaching ministry and books, she’s become my dearest mentor. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s yours, too. May I share a secret with you? …

The Returning King | Articles

article | June 8, 2011

The Second Coming of Christ is the capstone, the crowning point of Jesus’ life and ministry, the point toward which all history is moving. Jesus’ return to earth will be quite different than the His first advent! Consider these comparisons: He came …

True You: The Truth about Screening Your Time | Articles

article | October 3, 2020

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between the advent of social media and rapid growth in anxiety and depression? What’s even scarier is that teens spend an average of nine hours a day online! Maybe both of those facts …

A Crack in the Ice | Articles

article | December 24, 2018

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is …

The Real Reason We Can Be Brave | Articles

article | November 27, 2019

We applaud courage. We love stories of courage. Of triumph and bravery and tales of strength. I can try until I’m blue in the face to muster courage, but my own efforts to attain it are lacking. Without Jesus as the source, …

The Art of Awareness | Articles

article | November 20, 2019

The line at the coffee shop barely inches forward. You sigh in frustration at what is taking so long. Can that guy make up his mind already? Finally you step up to place your order and hardly look at the barista as …

A Guilt-Free Invitation to Seek the Wonder | Articles

article | December 8, 2017

You’re allowed to answer this question with brutal honesty: Do you ever get tired of hearing constant reminders to focus on the “real meaning of Christmas” throughout December? We hear it from every angle—from the pulpit, the blogosphere, social media, the Christian …

When Plans Don’t Go Your Way | Articles

article | May 20, 2020

I had dreamed of this day since I was a little girl. I would wear the most beautiful white dress surrounded by all my family and friends as I promised forever to the most amazing man. I knew it was a dream …

Children's Biography Reading List | Articles

article | November 18, 2010

Heroes of the Faith Series: John Bunyan: Author of Pilgrim’s Progress Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned Jonathan Edwards: The Great Awakener Jim Elliot: Missionary to Ecuador David Livingstone: Missionary and Explorer D.L. Moody: The American Evangelist John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace …

Write A New Story | Articles

article | December 31, 2012

It's been a month of stories here on the blog. You started by telling me your very favorite stories, and we've wrapped up the month by taking a second look at the greatest story ever told. Sigh. I just love a good …