
898 Results

Seven Kinds of Prayer to Soak Our Bible Reading | Articles

article | 20 décembre 2011

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law” (Ps. 119:18). We should pray . . . That God would teach us His Word. “Teach me Your statutes” (Ps. 119:12b; see also verses 33, 64b, 66, 68b, 135). True …

Your Go-To Guide in the Fight for Purity | Articles

article | 15 décembre 2014

I recently received an email from a girl asking me to send her Bible verses on the topic of purity. She said she vaguely knew that the Bible promoted purity and holiness, but she wasn't exactly sure where to find the passages. …

Should I Be Building My Own Platform? | Articles

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article | 28 janvier 2019

Are you wondering what your next Bible study will be? Here’s a suggestion: Request a complimentary Elizabeth: Dealing with Disappointment Bible Study Preview Kit! With just one click, you’ll receive a digital book copy of the latest study in the Women of …

Set Free to Serve Challenge: 5 Days of Walking in Truth | Articles

article | July 8, 2024

Dear Friend, Whether you’re leading a large ministry team, teaching a Bible study, or sitting with your arm around a struggling mom, all leaders have one thing in common: we need God’s truth to point women to the freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness …

5 Ways to Pray | Articles

article | December 4, 2020

When you receive a job offer . . . When your health results come back as questionable . . . When you need to decide on your future plans, moving or school or working . . . When you did something you’re …

Leaving a Godly Legacy | Articles

article | April 2, 2003

A good workman knows that it takes time to build a home that will last for decades. He skillfully lays the groundwork and refuses to cut corners as he pieces together a solid frame. In the same way, we need to build …

Four Benefits of Group Prayer in Women’s Ministry | Articles

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article | October 21, 2019

Few, if any of us, would deny prayer’s value. But if we as a community of leaders are brutally honest, is group prayer as high of a priority to us as recruiting and shepherding leaders, teaching and training, or casting vision? In …

Hope for Hurting Hearts: The Ministry of Encouragement | Articles

article | April 28, 2003

In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women is the ministry of encouragement. We’ve all felt the energy-draining effects of the discourager. Discouraging people drag us down …

How to Lead a Dynamic Prayer Meeting | Articles

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article | September 17, 2018

"Lord, teach us to pray." Aren't we thankful the disciples made this request in Luke 11:1? Just because we're called a leader doesn't mean we don't need guidance when it comes to prayer. Many of us feel inadequate to direct a prayer …

8 Ways to Fight for Purity | Articles

article | December 15, 2015

I want to fight for purity, and I pray that each and every one of you do as well. But let's be real with one another: Maintaining purity isn't easy. Unless we are vigilant in fighting for purity from the inside out, …