
897 Results

Will You Take Our 30-Day Challenge? | Articles

article | January 7, 2010

This entire blog (and the book it was named for, Lies Young Women Believe) is dedicated to uncovering lies told to your generation by the Evil One. We are committed to helping you identify the lies that have wrapped their way around …

What Is a Leader? | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

God often begins the leadership process by asking us to step out in obedience and then rely on Him to mold us, step by step, into the leader He wishes us to become. We need to give Him ourselves and our time …

Small Group Covenant | Articles

article | January 9, 2015

Small group challenges often arise when expectations aren’t clearly established from the get-go, or when a healthy group cruises on auto-pilot, and bad habits creep in. Many issues can be averted by establishing a community covenant. A covenant is an agreement expressing …

Are You Sophron? (Sound Thinking) | Articles

article | January 30, 2017

Please download PDF for the sophron chart. A sophron lifestyle begins with a sophron state of mind—a way of thinking that affects everything about the way we live. A sensible, sound, self-controlled mindset will result in sensible, sound, self-controlled behavior. Make a …

Get a Mentor | Articles

article | August 26, 2009

Teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be …

Today's Woman | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

I have grown up in a generation in which terms such as “women's lib,” “feminism,” “equal rights,” and “egalitarian marriage” are practically household words. Our society no longer promotes God's values for the woman. Femininity, modesty, discretion, virtue, and graciousness are seemingly …

How to Help Your Hopeless, Hurting Friends | Articles

article | March 15, 2017

Her situation couldn’t have been much more hopeless. She’d tried it all—filled out endless forms, visited regular doctors, alternative doctors, traveling doctors, wannabe doctors, retired doctors. She’d read, researched, cried, and prayed. She’d taken every medical exam known to man. And still, …

Facilitating an Atmosphere of Biblical Community | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

God has given us the gift of biblical community. Here are a few ways that leaders can foster an atmosphere that invites members to build relationships and share openly. 1. Atmosphere Playing praise and worship music softly in the background during the …

Psst . . . You Were Not Born Pure | Articles

article | September 3, 2012

May I ask you something? Do you ever feel as if you've totally missed the mark? Like you've messed up the perfection that God started with when you were born? Like you have contaminated the goodness He created in you? Maybe it …