
898 Results

Serving Him Single | Articles

article | June 4, 2009

We've been talking about God's design for our femininity all month on the blog. Much of that conversation has revolved around marriage, motherhood, and the home. That makes sense. Those are certainly key elements in passages like Proverbs 31, Titus 2:3-5, and …

Recommended Resource List | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Revive Our Hearts carefully selects and recommends resources that we believe are true to the Scripture and will help people grow in their faith. However, Revive Our Hearts does not necessarily agree with every point in every resource or endorse the entire …

Cry Out #2: A Prayer for Personal Revival | Articles

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article | October 8, 2020

Paul’s first word to the Ephesians is the cornerstone for personal revival: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:2, emphasis added). Preaching the gospel to ourselves and praying it into our souls is critical …

Splinters of Self | Articles

article | February 10, 2020

It’s funny how much a little splinter can hurt. At first, you just feel a tiny pinch as it slides into your skin, or maybe you feel nothing at all, but that doesn’t mean the splinter isn’t there. A splinter, left untouched, …

Encouraging One Another | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women, is the ministry of encouragement. We have all known what it is to be discouraged. And we all know …

Mirror, Mirror on The Wall: The Decision to Live Your Life For Go | Articles

article | 7 juin 2011

There's no question about it. The decision to live your life for God's glory will require some tough choices. It will probably take more time to shop, and your clothing may actually cost a little more. You may not look as cool …

Growing in Gratitude: A 30-Day Challenge | Articles

article | November 13, 2009

We’re so glad you’ve decided to accept the 30-Day Growing in Gratitude Challenge! Your decision means that you truly want to learn to recognize and express appreciation for all you have in life. Each day you will be challenged to grow in …

How to Pray When Someone You Love Is Stuck in Sin | Articles

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article | March 25, 2015

One reader recently asked this hard question . . . “Can you write about how to pray for someone (like a dad or brother) struggling with sin?” I can read between those lines. That question wasn’t hypothetical. It wasn’t based on something …

The Truth That Sets Us Free | Articles

article | October 19, 2001

(Download PDF for bookmark.) 1. God is good (Ps. 119:68; 136:1). 2. God loves me and wants me to have His best (Rom. 8:32, 38–39). 3. I am complete and accepted in Christ (Eph. 1:6). 4. God is enough (Ps. 23:1). 5. …

Let All That Is Within: Teaching Children How to Worship | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

Inadequacies in teaching children to worship often take one of two forms. Sometimes children are presented with a vision of God without being given the opportunity to respond to the revelation. On the other hand, children are often asked to respond to …