
897 Results

A Change Could Do You Good | Articles

article | January 5, 2010

I woke up this morning to a yard filled with snow. Yesterday it was clear and sunny where I live. Today clouds fill the sky and snow covers the ground. When it comes to weather, I like change. When it comes to …

Are you Mad at God? | Articles

article | April 14, 2010

Have you ever prayed for healing that never came? Have you ever faced a loss that didn’t make sense? Have you ever desired to serve God but been denied the opportunity? Have you ever been mad at God? I know this isn’t …

Book Club: Crazy Busy, Chapter 9 | Articles

article | July 25, 2016

Welcome back to our Summer Book Club! We are on the home stretch of our summer study through Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. This week we take a look at Chapter 9: “Embracing the Burdens of Busyness” and wrestle with the idea …

Summer Book Club: Finale! | Articles

article | July 31, 2016

If someone recorded your life for one week and then showed the footage to a group of strangers, what would they guess is the priority in your life? What is the one thing you must get done every day? Posting on Facebook? …

How to Start a Small Group | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

Enlist a small group of women to pray together about starting a small group and to also pray over the intended curriculum. Ask God to show you women whose lives He has been working in—that they would have a love for His …

10 Reasons You Can't Afford Not to Be Hospitable | Articles

article | October 31, 2007

Hospitality is one of the most practical ways to express the love of Christ. Hospitality reflects the hospitable heart of God. Hospitality is a great way to build unity and community with other believers. The Bible promises rewards for those who practice …

Does He Protect Your Purity? | Articles

article | May 30, 2013

Celebs like Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Jamie Foxx, Justin Timberlake, and more joined forces to collaborate on a campaign to stop men from using girls to mop up their own selfish sexual needs. Whatever you think of the self-deprecating humor they used …

So You Want To Go On A Missions Trip | Articles

article | May 1, 2012

It seems we've developed an imaginary checklist for what it looks like to be a Christian in high school. It goes a little something like this: Go to youth group A LOT! Vow to shut down your Facebook. Then reboot your Facebook. …

Best Of: I've Got A Fever And The Only Cure Is . . . | Articles

article | January 31, 2013

Spring fever is a real condition. I know because Wikipedia says so. It's that sudden feeling that you might just burst if you don't get into a relationship. Or a new obsession over a guy who seemed pretty boring in the winter …

Don't Hit The Snooze On This | Articles

article | April 9, 2013

"I'm so glad I got to spend this time with you, Erin" she said, "because now I know how to pray for you." These were the words of a sweet lady named Emma who was tasked with picking me up at the …