
654 Results

Four Lies Leaders Believe | Articles

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article | February 19, 2018

It’s estimated that over one million Americans suffer from a work-related slip, trip, and fall injury every year. These accidents can cause life-threatening disabilities, and in some cases, are fatal. While tripping and falling has a debilitating impact on physical health, I …

What Every Teen Needs from a Mentor | Articles

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article | April 8, 2019

A couple of years ago, our youth director reached out to me and asked if I could lead a discipleship group of teen girls. “You have a lot to offer,” he said. My first thought was, It’s been decades since I was …

Facebook, You Are Not My Church | Articles

article | July 11, 2017

This is not an anti-Facebook post. It’s not an anti-social media post or an anti-Internet post either. This is a pro-church post. It’s an I-can’t-live-without-my-local church kind of post. And a neither-should-you kind of post. Before we can stand up and cheer …

Whether Old or New, Let Your Ministry Be True | Articles

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article | May 28, 2015

For many women’s ministry leaders, there is an ever-present struggle to keep content and events fresh, compelling, and relevant, while keeping the focus on God and His Truth—which never changes. While there is certainly something to be said for creativity and innovation, …

Four Ways God Uses a Leader’s Suffering | Articles

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article | January 30, 2017

I was torn. My heart felt heavy and my tears could not be held back. I was in a long season of lament and, on this particular day, all I felt like doing was curling up with my Bible and a hot …

What Does the Bible Say About Food? | Articles

article | November 26, 2014

I encourage you to nudge your family toward healthy conversations about food at the Thanksgiving table. But what does the Bible say about food, exactly? Christ cares about every nook and cranny of our lives. His Word offers guidance for daily living, …

10 Powerful Truths to Counteract Deceptive Emotions | Articles

article | February 3, 2009

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but just because we feel something, doesn’t mean that it’s true. Here’s a practical example. Right now I am all snuggled in my house with a warm cup of tea. I am comfortable in jeans …

The Essence of Femininity: A Personal Perspective | Articles

article | June 16, 2015

Feminists are dedicated to the proposition that the difference between men and women is a matter of mere biology. The rest of us recognize a far deeper reality, one that meets us on an altogether different plane from mere anatomical distinctions. It …

Do You Know Him? | Articles

article | October 10, 2014

This original recitation by Blair Linne was given at True Woman '14. Have you seen Him? Do you love Him? Will you give up all to serve Him? Do you know Him? Here comes the Lamb of God, passing by robed in …

A Call to Biblical Womanhood | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

Due to the modern feminist revolution, the value of women has come to be equated with their roles in the community and in the marketplace. Relatively little value is assigned to women’s roles in the home. Today, no bouquets are handed out …