
898 Results

Free at Last | Articles

article | February 7, 2012

In my teenage years, I became a slave to bulimia. I loved and enjoyed food, but I didn't want it to "catch up with me." How delighted I was to find this way of eating what I wanted without consequences—or so I …

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge | Articles

article | May 20, 2011

Introduction Welcome to the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge! It didn’t take many weeks of marriage for me to learn that my attitudes and words have a profound effect on my husband. I have the ability to make Robert feel encouraged and cherished. …

3 Ways Ministry Drifts from a Foundation of Truth | Articles

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article | July 8, 2024

I didn’t see it coming—but God planned it all along. In my wildest imagination, I never expected to have a second chance at building a women’s ministry from the ground floor, but when the Lord called me, I was all in. I …

30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge | Articles

article | 20 mai 2011

Introduction Welcome to the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge! It didn’t take many weeks of marriage for me to learn that my attitudes and words have a profound effect on my husband. I have the ability to make Robert feel encouraged and cherished. …

Free From Lies: Truth for Young Women | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

We believe the vast majority of Christian young women (and not-so-young women, too, for that matter!) are suffering the consequences of believing lies. Those consequences include broken relationships, fear, depression, self-loathing, and guilt, to name a few. The results of believing a …

Summer Book Club: 3 Things You Need to Know About Work | Articles

article | July 28, 2015

"Should women work?" Maybe you've heard that question asked. Maybe you've asked it yourself. But we've got a better question. In fact, we've got four: How do I choose which work receives the most time and attention at this stage in my …

The Attitude of Gratitude | Articles

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article | October 7, 2009

After more than two decades of ministry to hurting people, I have come to believe that a failure to give thanks is at the heart of much, if not most, of the sense of gloom, despair, and despondency that is so pervasive …

Danger Ahead: When Mature Leaders Rely on Experience | Articles

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article | July 31, 2017

The longer you walk with God, the more dangerous the path. It’s dangerous not because of hardship and suffering (though they may be present) but because of the temptation to rely on your ever-growing experience instead of on Christ alone. Amplifying this …

How to Lovingly Turn Him Down | Articles

article | February 7, 2018

If I have the story right, after my dad asked my mom out, she commented to a friend, “Why do the creepy guys always ask me out?” (Obviously she changed her mind about my dad not too long after that!) Maybe you …

Leaders Need Mentors | Articles

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article | May 2, 2016

Have you ever heard children argue with one another? One says, "You started it!" The other says, "Did not!" The first child responds, "Did too!" And on and on it goes until a parent intervenes. I had a conversation with an older …