
897 Results

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 2 | Articles

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article | June 2, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1-3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and …

Do You Know Him? | Articles

article | October 10, 2014

This original recitation by Blair Linne was given at True Woman '14. Have you seen Him? Do you love Him? Will you give up all to serve Him? Do you know Him? Here comes the Lamb of God, passing by robed in …

What's The Big Deal About Sunday? | Articles

article | March 28, 2013

Raise your hand if you've been going to church since you were in the womb. Keep it up if you've celebrated at least fifteen Easters in church. I can't see those hands through the computer screen, but I am sure there are …

How to Bust Small Group Busters | Articles

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article | January 5, 2015

Do these small group busters sound familiar? Sarah routinely arrives fifteen minutes late. Jennifer derails the discussion to superficial topics. Stephanie attends half the meetings and rarely notifies you when she's not coming. Tina never says a word. Marie, on the other …

Crazy–Jesus–Love | Articles

article | February 14, 2018

She covered her face with her hands. Shamed. Defiled. Caught. The officials pushed her out the door and onto the street. The passersby drew back and crossed to walk on the other side of the road, looking back with disgust. But she …

Announcing Our First Ever #SaltAndLight Awards! | Articles

article | April 18, 2016

Extra! Extra! Watch all about it. Announcing our first ever #SaltAndLight Awards for girls who use social media for good. If your computer is YouTube impaired and you missed the video, here’s a quick recap. We see you using social media for …

Summer Book Club: Ditching the Attitude | Articles

article | July 9, 2018

I hope you’re enjoying and learning from Family: How to Love Yours (and Help Them Like You Back) as you read a chapter every week with me this summer. (And if you’re on the fence, it’s still not too late to join …

Facilitating Discussion | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

When you facilitate discussion in a small group where the women have done homework, it is easy to fall into the trap of answering all the questions yourself if no one from the group volunteers. Whenever you can encourage discussion, it helps …

Truth? | Articles

article | April 2, 2013

From the team: After years of content dedicated to exposing lies and replacing them with God's truth in the lives of young women, we've decided to switch directions. From now on we will be dedicated entirely to the subject of goat herding. …

Where Are the Wailing Women? | Articles

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article | September 19, 2022

Where are the wailing women? Call for the wailing women to come and cry out Since our nation lay in a casket Tell them to come and mourn over her America is a mother without a pulse She lay in a casket …