
897 Results

Book Club: This Changes Everything, Chapter 6 | Articles

article | July 17, 2017

I used to tease my older sister, Kristen, about the fact that she couldn’t keep her houseplants alive. It seemed like every single plant that entered her house ended up dying within a few weeks. “How hard is it to remember to …

Techniques to Stimulate Small Group Discussion | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

How is it that some group meetings have vibrant discussions while others fall flat? A good group meeting is when biblical truth has been fleshed out and admired by the members, each person has contributed in some way to the flow of …

The Father's Day Card Hallmark Didn't Print | Articles

article | June 22, 2009

As I am sure you know, yesterday was Father's Day. The greeting card industry works extra hard this month to remind us how our important our fathers are. And they're right; dads certainly matter. But here's a Father's Day card Hallmark won't …

Freedom from What? | Articles

article | November 17, 2009

In John 8:31–32 Jesus makes this promise, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Now that's a feel-good verse if ever I heard one! Freedom …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 9 | Articles

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article | June 11, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1–3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.—Hebrews 12:3 …

Cry Out with Urgency | Articles

article | October 5, 2020

During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered …

Life Undivided | Articles

article | January 9, 2020

I spent half of my life totally focused on serving the Lord and the other half totally focused on finding my man. I was one of those “undistracted singles” who was totally distracted by marriage. Somewhere in-between wanting to make the most …

From a Leader’s Heart: Reflections on 2020 and Beyond | Articles

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article | December 28, 2020

To women’s leaders around the world, We made it! By God’s grace, we made it through the hardest year of leadership we’ve ever encountered. 2020 was disruptive, chaotic, exasperating, immobilizing, exhausting (go ahead and add your words to the list!) Let’s exhale …

Dear College Grad . . . | Articles

article | June 1, 2016

Dear College Grad, Congrats! You've worked so hard, and now commencement is over. I was cheering big as you walked across the stage, and I'm praying for you as you make this transition out of college. I remember well the conflicting emotions: …

Four Friends Every Girl Needs | Articles

article | March 8, 2012

On Tuesday I fessed up to my feelings of loneliness and detachment stemming from a lack of deep, intimate friendships. So many of you responded that you feel lonely, too, even if you have many people who you would describe as "friends." …