
897 Results

The Best of LYWB: 11 Questions to Ask Before You Hug Him | Articles

article | December 26, 2017

Should you hug that guy or not hug him? Is a front hug or a side hug more appropriate? Awkward! One of you recently asked me what I think about guys and girls hugging. That’s not an easy question to answer! I …

How Do I Lead Older Women in the Church? | Articles

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article | April 9, 2020

“I’m going to turn around, go back down the stairs, and run out of this building.” That thought went through my head about nine years ago as I headed to speak to a group of women in my church. My family and …

Leading by Praying | Articles

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article | November 20, 2017

Our Women’s Care Team meets the fourth Monday of each month. It’s not what you might consider a typical planning meeting—we don’t discuss our programs or events. Instead, we come together once a month and pray. While it might seem a strange …

Lost Virginity Does Not Define You | Articles

article | April 9, 2018

If we were looking for someone to impact history in amazing ways, most of us would never choose her. Why would God use her, a prostitute, when there were so many other, better women around? We don’t know all of the details …

One Thing We’re Loving | Articles

article | May 1, 2020

What’s one thing we’re loving this week? It’s this brand-new Revive Our Hearts booklet, Uncommon Compassion: Revealing the Heart of Christ, by one of our favorites, Erin Davis! From the Garden to the Gospels, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a …

Summer Book Club: The Family Secret | Articles

article | June 18, 2018

From the LYWB blog team: Happy Monday to our amazing readers! Thanks for kicking off the Summer Book Club with us. We hope you’ll grab a copy of Family: How to Love Yours (and Help Them Like You Back) for yourself and …

Book Club: Dreams, Meet Diaper Rash | Articles

article | June 25, 2018

From the LYWB blog team: We just finished reading chapter two of Family: How to Love Yours (And Help Them Like You Back) by Jessie Minassian, but it’s not too late to grab your own copy and start the study with us. …

Children's Biography Reading List | Articles

article | November 18, 2010

Heroes of the Faith Series: John Bunyan: Author of Pilgrim’s Progress Amy Carmichael: A Life Abandoned Jonathan Edwards: The Great Awakener Jim Elliot: Missionary to Ecuador David Livingstone: Missionary and Explorer D.L. Moody: The American Evangelist John Newton: Author of Amazing Grace …

Summer Book Club: Declaring Random Acts of Kindness Week | Articles

article | August 4, 2015

Welcome to week seven of the Summer Book Club! We hope you’ve been following along as we’ve worked through True Woman 201: Interior Design by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Mary Kassian. This week we looked at benevolence. If you’re scratching your …

It’s Our Responsibility to Raise up Younger Leaders | Articles

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article | July 6, 2020

Each of my life roles involve elements that are energizing and elements that are draining. I delight in long talks with my teenage kids; I am zapped when I must address the same issue over and over. I love cooking; I loathe …