
898 Results

5 Ways to Stop Staring at Your Bible in a Daze | Articles

article | August 5, 2015

"I just love my personal devotion time. I get in my closet, fall on my knees, and praise the Lord. I treasure that time with Him. Me and God all alone. It's the best part of my day. I couldn't survive without …

Why You Can't Stay At Church Camp Forever | Articles

article | July 2, 2012

Diagnosis: Mountaintop Syndrome Symptoms: A big emotional experience once or twice a year. Feeling like you can hear God's voice clearly at camp, but cannot hear Him the rest of the year. Making a commitment to read your Bible more every year …

10 Leadership Traits from the Beatitudes | Articles

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article | March 5, 2020

Shakespeare once said: Some are born great women’s ministry leaders, some achieve greatness in leading a women’s ministry, and some have the position thrust upon them kicking and screaming. William Shakespeare never said this. Poor, old Wilhemina Shakespeare of the Christ Bible …

Biblical Portrait of Womanhood | Articles

article | May 14, 2008

Introduction Within my lifetime, there has been a sweeping revolution-a revolution of how women view themselves and their roles, how they view men, how they view their families, and how they function in our culture. Whether they realize it or not, the …

How to Pray for the Upcoming Election | Articles

article | June 28, 2016

In Paul's teaching on prayer in 1 Timothy 2:1–4, one of the major thrusts is praying for those in authority. According to Paul's reasoning, we want good government that allows us to live "peaceful and quiet lives"—ultimately freeing us to evangelize those …

This Changes Everything | Articles

article | November 11, 2015

I used to get bored when I heard salvation messages preached. That's for the unsaved people, I would think. It doesn't apply to me now that I'm saved—as if the gospel were some kind of one-and-done thing. I got saved when I …

Leading When Your Faith Feels Weak | Articles

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article | May 21, 2018

One of my greatest joys as a women’s ministry director has always been walking alongside women, pointing them to God’s sovereignty and goodness in the midst of trials and testing. As a recipient of gospel grace, I’ve had a lifetime of experiencing …

The #1 Lie Young Women Believe | Articles

article | March 7, 2018

Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you (Ps. 73:25). We talked to over 1,000 teen girls about the lies that were making them feel depressed, lonely, angry, stressed, hopeless and a …

Transformation: How Does It Happen? | Articles

article | August 22, 2001

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2 (NIV). Recently I ran into a woman I had not seen for several weeks. I hardly recognized her. Her hair, …

Stand for Truth Thursday: Being a Girl in a Transgendered World | Articles

article | December 10, 2015

We asked you where you are facing resistance to God's truth. Here's what you told us: "Many times I'm worried that my belief in God making people either a boy or a girl without being both or switching genders will be recognized …