
654 Results

Should I Be Building My Own Platform? | Articles

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article | January 28, 2019

Are you wondering what your next Bible study will be? Here’s a suggestion: Request a complimentary Elizabeth: Dealing with Disappointment Bible Study Preview Kit! With just one click, you’ll receive a digital book copy of the latest study in the Women of …

I've Been Abused; Am I Still Pure? | Articles

article | February 5, 2015

February is the month of love. Many of us will be swept up in the emotion of it all, either googly-eyed and heart sick over the love in our lives, or crestfallen and heartbroken over the lack thereof. Because of that, us …

Bible Teacher, Evaluate Your Methods and Your Heart | Articles

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article | July 17, 2017

Once after teaching on Matthew 9:37–38, an exuberant woman bolted to the platform. Assumedly, she was ready to serve Christ no matter what the cost. My presumption was dead wrong. She was out of breath because she was dying to know where …

30 Day Praying for Your Pastor Challenge | Articles

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article | May 20, 2011

Brothers, pray for us. ~1 Thessalonians 5:25 There is no greater gift you can give your pastor and the spiritual leaders of your church than to pray for them. Pastors cannot win the battle alone; they need committed intercessors to lift them …

Starting a Women’s Ministry from Scratch | Articles

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article | December 3, 2020

I’ve always wanted to build a house from scratch. Well, not me personally, but a contractor. I would build it on a lot with a mountain view. The house would have a big wraparound porch with a cheerful paint color on the …

Pastors’ Wives Need Discipleship, Too | Articles

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article | February 11, 2019

The thought had been bouncing around in my mind for several weeks. I had discussed it with my husband, and I knew what I had to do. I expectantly typed a private Facebook message to an older pastor’s wife asking if she …

Take the Awkward Out of Mentoring | Articles

article | March 23, 2017

How do I seek out a mentor? What do we talk about? What kinds of things should we do when we are together? I’m glad that the wheels in your brain are turning. It can be difficult to picture exactly how this …

How to Endure Suffering | Articles

article | September 1, 2007

No one enjoys suffering, but suffering is a necessary, normal part of the Christian life. In fact, the Scripture says we can expect hardships and suffering to increase (2 Tim. 2:3; 3:1–4, 13), so we must be prepared. We learn from the …

3 Biblical Strategies for Ushering Peace into Conflict | Articles

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article | June 22, 2020

When my eighth-grader walked across the stage to accept her award for “Most Patient,” I laughed out loud and whispered to my husband, “What’s going on in her classroom that requires so much patience she actually won an award for it?” Conflict …

3 Epic Reasons to Encourage Others | Articles

article | June 2, 2015

“Correction does much, but encouragement does more.” ~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Today I want to encourage you to encourage others. Why? Here are three epic reasons for starters. Because . . . 1. You’re made in the image of the God of …