
654 Results

Pastor’s Wife: Remember Why We Do What We Do | Articles

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article | December 17, 2020

In the midst of demanding expectations, declining church growth, and between unraveling friendships, we often question why we do what we do. As pastors’ wives, it is one thing to be looked down on by the world around you. But it is …

5 Verses to Bring You Hope | Articles

article | February 3, 2020

Several years ago I came across a passage in the Bible that slowly become my life verse. From my high school days, to first relationship days, to my breakups, and now to my marriage, these verses have always been my go-to. Trust …

If You Want to Be Famous | Articles

article | September 14, 2016

One in four millennials think they will be famous by the time they're twenty-five. Let's take it from the top. Read that sentence again. Let it sink in. Tumble it around in your own heart, and see what emerges. Do you want …

Life Is More Than the Mountaintops | Articles

article | September 14, 2020

You know that “just left church camp, heart on fire for Jesus” feeling? You spend a week in the Colorado mountains at summer camp and come back changed. You attend a weekend church retreat and new life courses through your veins. You …

The Best of LYWB: 11 Questions to Ask Before You Hug Him | Articles

article | December 26, 2017

Should you hug that guy or not hug him? Is a front hug or a side hug more appropriate? Awkward! One of you recently asked me what I think about guys and girls hugging. That’s not an easy question to answer! I …

Does He Inconvenience Himself For You? | Articles

article | May 28, 2013

I have enjoyed a special connection with Nessie and her mama, Scout. I was Scout's midwife when Nessie came into the world. You can see us cleaning Nessie—just moments old—as a team in the picture below. As I was writing Get Lost …

8 Strategies to Help You Stand Firm at School | Articles

article | September 11, 2017

Going back to school can be a difficult time of transition. The challenges, pressures, and temptations that inevitably come with every school environment can be tough to navigate. I guess that’s why one reader recently emailed me with this request: How do …

Set Free to Serve Challenge: 5 Days of Walking in Truth | Articles

article | July 8, 2024

Dear Friend, Whether you’re leading a large ministry team, teaching a Bible study, or sitting with your arm around a struggling mom, all leaders have one thing in common: we need God’s truth to point women to the freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness …

Dangerous Bible Study and Puffy Christianity | Articles

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article | March 31, 2015

There is a perception among many evangelicals that Bible study is dangerous. I have heard it articulated by ministers and laypeople alike over the years. Once a woman in my Bible study told me her pastor had discouraged in-depth Bible study, saying …

Cry Out with Urgency | Articles

article | October 5, 2020

During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered …