
897 Results

How to Fight Like a Girl: LIVE from the True Woman ’16 Teen Track | Articles

article | September 23, 2016

Hey, LYWB Reader! I’m here at the True Woman ’16 national women’s conference in Indianapolis. Are you here too?! The Teen Track just wrapped up, and I thought I’d fill you in a little bit, in case you weren’t able to make …

True You: Let’s Battle Depression | Articles

article | September 18, 2020

Have you struggled to understand what it means to be a woman in today’s culture? With the media constantly telling us what women should or shouldn’t be, it’s easy to become a bit confused. On today’s episode of True You, we want …

True You: The Truth about Screening Your Time | Articles

article | October 3, 2020

Did you know that there is a direct correlation between the advent of social media and rapid growth in anxiety and depression? What’s even scarier is that teens spend an average of nine hours a day online! Maybe both of those facts …

True You: The Truth about Surviving Your Teens | Articles

article | October 30, 2020

Do you ever feel pressured to participate in risky behaviors? Or, are YOU the one pressuring others to try them? Thousands of teens die every year from taking risks they should not. The most serious threats to your health and safety are …

Becoming a Woman of Virtue | Articles

article | April 12, 2002

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands (Prov. 14:1). Am I building up my house or tearing it down? Am I investing in my marriage? Am I nurturing the heart of my marriage? Do …

True Beauty | Articles

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article | October 7, 2009

You may have heard it said that one of the differences between a man and a woman is that when a man looks at himself in the mirror, he admires the one physical feature about himself he considers attractive, while a woman …

The Attractive Christian Woman | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

The New York Times printed an article entitled, “She’s Got to Be a Macho Girl.” It reads, “John Bernard is sixteen, strapping, handsome, a hormonal hot-pocket of a teenager. Guys like him were once every father’s nightmare. No longer. ‘The girls are …

True You: How to Overcome the Lies Your Different Abilities Tell | Articles

article | October 16, 2020

Were you created with a physical or mental difference? Well, you are definitely not alone. In fact, one in four adults in the United States live with a disability. Maybe yours has even caused you to question God’s goodness or that He …

True You: Embracing How Great It Is to Be a Girl | Articles

article | September 25, 2020

Fifty-one percent of Christian tweens don’t think it’s great to be a girl. They think it’s difficult. Maybe you do too. One thing’s for sure: the conversation is complicated . . . and confusing. Before you know it, you could be believing …

Help for the Busy Woman | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

If you ask a woman today, “How are you doing?” chances are the response will be a sigh or a groan, followed by words like “We’ve got so much going on in our family!” “I just can’t keep up with everything I’ve …