
654 Results

When I Am Afraid | Articles

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article | June 18, 2020

The raging fires jumped over the mountain and toward our home within seconds. We watched the news updates about pending evacuations as we hurriedly packed our bags, and suddenly the news anchor seemed to panic, nearly shouting, “Everyone . . . EVACUATE …

How to Lead a Dynamic Prayer Meeting | Articles

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article | September 17, 2018

"Lord, teach us to pray." Aren't we thankful the disciples made this request in Luke 11:1? Just because we're called a leader doesn't mean we don't need guidance when it comes to prayer. Many of us feel inadequate to direct a prayer …

Clinging to Hope in This Dark World | Articles

article | August 8, 2016

I open Twitter and begin to scroll. The words “Breaking News” catch my eye, and I abruptly stop the moving newsfeed on my screen. A shooting. A terrorist attack. An updated death count. My heart sinks, and I tell my husband the …

Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude within Your Ministry | Articles

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article | October 19, 2023

Could your women’s ministry use an infusion of warmth this fall season? We’re not talking about the kind of coziness that comes with autumn candles and seasonal decor, but a ministry environment marked by genuine, gracious, and grateful women. Julie Clum, Julie …

Homosexuality: A Story of Redemption | Articles

article | November 10, 2010

I recently had lunch with a sweet group of girls just like you. When I asked them what they thought I should write about the topic of homosexuality, they overwhelmingly agreed that they wanted to hear stories of people who had turned …

You’re Not Alone: Tips on Navigating a Revive Our Hearts Conferen | Articles

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article | May 20, 2022

Are you thinking about bringing a group of women to True Woman ’22? Three leaders who have been in your shoes share their experiences—from big picture perspective to the details—of how they navigated previous Revive Our Hearts conferences. Meet Charity, Jackey, and …

How Was Our World Made? | Articles

article | August 18, 2011

Many of you are heading back to school in the days ahead. We want to encourage you to already start thinking past back-to-school supplies and clothes and begin gearing up to choose God's truth this school year. That's why we're thrilled to …

How Do I Find the Right Event Speaker? | Articles

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article | January 15, 2018

I cut my teeth in women’s ministry as an author and speaker with the privilege of teaching at women’s events across the country. Requests would simply find their way into my inbox, and whenever my schedule allowed, I’d pack my suitcase and …

Tips for the Digitally-Challenged in a World Gone Virtual | Articles

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article | April 20, 2020

Have you "lost that lovin’ feeling" now that many Bible studies and spring events have been put on pause? We completely understand! So we’re putting our heads together—Hayley the twenty-something technology nerd and Leslie the sixty-something women’s ministry veteran—to help you "bring …

4 New Challenges for the Digital Influencer | Articles

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article | April 1, 2019

Over the past decade, a digital universe seems to have sprung up around us. As women in ministry, though we might prefer to engage women only in face-to-face settings, it’s nearly impossible to influence them deeply without also operating online, since that’s …