
654 Results

The God of Heaven Rules | Articles

article | September 11, 2023

The Most High rules the kingdom of men And gives it to whom He will And sets over it the lowliest of men. He changes times and seasons, He removes kings and sets up kings, He gives wisdom to the wise And …

Finding Freedom From Porn | Articles

article | September 3, 2013

I recently read about a girl who was strolling through a local chain store, when she felt a sudden and overwhelming urge for a chocolate candy bar. The urge became so powerful that she forgot what she was doing and headed straight …

Seeking God . . . or Ministry? | Articles

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article | November 24, 2014

There's little doubt of the love Paul had for the leaders in Ephesus. On his journey to Jerusalem—knowing he'd never see these brothers again—the apostle requested they meet with him one final time in Miletus. Paul's heart must have been heavy with …

Becoming a Woman of Virtue | Articles

article | April 12, 2002

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands (Prov. 14:1). Am I building up my house or tearing it down? Am I investing in my marriage? Am I nurturing the heart of my marriage? Do …

Cry Out #3: A Prayer for the Church | Articles

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article | October 15, 2020

When an elite university, a Fortune 500 company, or a burgeoning democracy needs a leader, those in authority choose among the best and the brightest to lead them. God, however, chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise: On …

Gratitude: The Attitude that Transforms | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

In her autobiography, Frances Jane Crosby wrote, “It seemed intended by the blessed Providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank Him for the dispensation.” The doctor who destroyed her sight in her infancy never forgave …

Do You Need Motivation to Pray? | Articles

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article | June 5, 2023

If I asked you to name the disturbing events haunting you at night, you might list: Church division Christians attacking one another Senseless murder Hate crimes Corrupt politicians Children walking away from the faith Fractured relationships Diseases without a cure Abandonment of …

Do You Need a Leadership Do-Over Like Me? | Articles

article | January 19, 2015

Today's Leader Connection focuses on "the Message of the Cross," one of Life Action Ministries and Revive Our Hearts twelve Cutting-Edge Commitments. I'll never forget the day. It was just another Thursday—like hundreds before—and I was teaching my Bible study leaders in …

The Curse and the Cure | Articles

article | December 16, 2019

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.” (Galatians 3:13) No sooner does the Bible begin, with its lush accounts of creation and …

Mary’s Radical Trust Fall | Articles

article | December 11, 2020

Your reputation is spotless. You strive for purity. You don’t flaunt your body for watching eyes, and you’ve never invited a man to cross a line with you. You’re engaged to your childhood crush, and he’s crazy about you. He’s sweet, and …