
897 Results

Keeping the Peace at Church | Articles

article | November 30, 2010

If you've been following the blog the past few days, you know I've been writing about living at peace with others. If you don't mind, I'd like to revisit a couple of verses that remind us that maintaining peace in our relationships …

The Most Important Thing | Articles

article | September 16, 2008

I just got back from the funeral of a very good friend of mine. He was a youth pastor, a teacher, a father, a husband, and a trustworthy friend. He leaves behind a wife and five kids. He was thirty-three. Tragedies like …

Cry Out #2: A Prayer for Personal Revival | Articles

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article | October 8, 2020

Paul’s first word to the Ephesians is the cornerstone for personal revival: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:2, emphasis added). Preaching the gospel to ourselves and praying it into our souls is critical …

God is My Good Luck Charm | Articles

article | December 16, 2010

I'm not much of a sports fan, so when I sit down to catch a game with my husband or head to the ballpark with my two boys I tend to pay attention to anything but the plays. Maybe that's why I …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 8 | Articles

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article | June 10, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1–3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured …

Why Do You Need the Church? | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

Is it possible to be a Christian without going to church? You betcha. Attending church doesn't make you a Christian any more than attending a sporting event makes you an athlete. But is it wise to try to live out your Christian …

A Place For All Those Tears | Articles

article | March 5, 2013

In Luke 8:51–52 Jesus approaches a crowd mourning the death of a twelve-year-old girl. His words to them may seem strange considering that they had good reason to be upset. But He said, "Stop crying" (v. 52). In Luke 7:13 He says …

Should I Have a Sad Face During Communion? | Articles

article | May 28, 2015

Today’s post is about our posture during communion. Before we dig in, would you mind doing a little research? Am I supposed to have a sad face during communion? What Am I Supposed to Think About During Communion? I already confessed my …

Eight Reasons Not to Worry | Articles

article | September 6, 2011

I recently attended a girls' ministry forum where we spent the weekend talking about how to teach young women just like you to love and live like Jesus. One of the highlights for me was a team of child psychologists who have …

The Christian Life in 3 Simple Phrases | Articles

article | February 2, 2018

Have you ever heard someone say something you’ve not been able to shake? Something that has changed your life and become part of you? That almost never happens to me. (I have a terrible memory, so remembering what people say is pretty …