
654 Results

Expand Your Ministry Reach Through Prayer | Articles

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article | June 8, 2015

It must have been a comfort for first century Christians to know the apostle Paul didn't forget his new brothers and sisters in the faith once they were saved. Preaching the gospel, teaching, warning, correcting, and loving these saints wasn't enough for …

The Returning King | Articles

article | June 8, 2011

The Second Coming of Christ is the capstone, the crowning point of Jesus’ life and ministry, the point toward which all history is moving. Jesus’ return to earth will be quite different than the His first advent! Consider these comparisons: He came …

When She Discovers His Porn Addiction: Helping Wives Process the | Articles

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article | April 15, 2019

Another devastated heart due to a husband’s porn problem. Another marriage reeling in pain and shame. I kept reading the journal entry she sent to me. God, I come to You very weak and broken, grieved over my husband’s sin. I feel …

3 Steps to Knowing God through His Names | Articles

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article | February 16, 2021

There was a time in my life when a homing signal might as well have alerted every thief, rapist, and murderer within 100 miles of my house to head my way. The alert always went out when I was going to be …

When Father’s Day Isn’t Happy | Articles

article | June 9, 2016

Father's Day is right around the corner, but if your dad has checked out, walked out, or hurt you, it might not feel like an occasion worth celebrating. If your relationship with your dad is strained (or nonexistent) this Father's Day, here …

Forgiven, Forgiving, and Free! | Articles

article | November 20, 2009

Some time ago, a woman came to the microphone at a conference and told of how, forteen years earlier, her adult daughter had been stalked and then viciously murdered by a man. The woman turned to me, standing in front of the …

To the Heart Searching for Comfort | Articles

article | October 5, 2015

We said “I do,” and we sealed it with a kiss and were introduced as “Mr. and Mrs. Nieves.” We were whisked away on a Caribbean honeymoon, where we saw shooting stars from our balcony and breathed in the ocean air. But …

4 Checkpoints for Wisely Helping Hurting Women | Articles

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article | February 10, 2020

Years ago, when I was an inexperienced ministry leader, a woman with years of counseling experience mentioned a boundary she kept in her professional life. She wanted to remain emotionally healthy, so she placed guardrails on her availability to others. I don’t …

Running on Empty and Refueling Our Souls | Articles

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article | May 27, 2019

Every year our family tries to get away somewhere for a couple of weeks (preferably to a warm destination!) just to rest, refuel, and build fun memories together. Some of our most precious and memorable moments have happened on these family getaways, …

Victorious Prayer in the Shelter of the Most High | Articles

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article | August 27, 2018

We’re passionate about prayer. But sometimes our prayer times feel distracted and puny. Do I see a few heads nodding? If you’re searching for ways to ramp up your prayer life, we’ve got just the thing. Check out the variety of prayer …