
897 Results

A Crack in the Ice | Articles

article | December 24, 2018

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 7 | Articles

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article | June 9, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1–3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured …

4 Good Reasons to be Baptized | Articles

article | July 17, 2019

Laura was one of my closest friends in high school. She invited me to church long before I became a Christian. Once I turned my life over to Christ, she was a friend I ran to often with my questions about God …

Scripture Memorization: Help to Get You Started | Articles

article | December 23, 2009

One of the most valuable aids to meditation is Scripture memorization. In fact, when I encounter someone who is battling discouragement or depression, I often ask two questions: “Are you singing to the Lord?” and “Are you memorizing Scripture?” These two exercises …

How Much Media Do You Really Consume? | Articles

article | June 19, 2009

During our focus groups for LYWB, I noticed two interesting trends in the area of media. First, the girls I talked to didn't seem to have a firm grasp on the amount of time they were actually spending watching television, talking/texting on …

Best Of: Battling Discouragement And Depression With . . . | Articles

article | January 18, 2013

Does Scripture memory sound like "just another thing to do" on an already overwhelming to-do list? What if you learned it was one of the greatest weapons you have to battle discouragement and depression in your life? Would that interest you a …

The Wonder of the Incarnation | Articles

article | December 21, 2011

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1, 14). The Infinite became finite. The immortal became mortal. The Creator …

3 Epic Reasons to Encourage Others | Articles

article | June 2, 2015

“Correction does much, but encouragement does more.” ~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Today I want to encourage you to encourage others. Why? Here are three epic reasons for starters. Because . . . 1. You’re made in the image of the God of …

Getting Into the Word and Getting the Word Into You | Articles

article | January 2, 2009

Do you struggle to get motivated to read your Bible? Do you hear others talk about all that God is teaching them in Bible study, and feel like you’re missing the boat? Do you sit down to read your Bible but find …

Can Guys and Girls Be Just Friends? | Articles

article | August 14, 2009

As we tackle the subject of friendship this month, here's a question you might be itching to ask: Is it possible for Christian guys and girls to be just friends? I am not talking about the kind of guy/girl relationship where you …