
654 Results

A Guilt-Free Invitation to Seek the Wonder | Articles

article | December 8, 2017

You’re allowed to answer this question with brutal honesty: Do you ever get tired of hearing constant reminders to focus on the “real meaning of Christmas” throughout December? We hear it from every angle—from the pulpit, the blogosphere, social media, the Christian …

The Way Up is Down | Articles

article | April 2, 2003

Walk through any Christian bookstore today, and you’ll find an array of books and products offering to help you be successful in every dimension and season of life. We have more tools and resources for our questions and hurts and needs today …

How to Study Your Bible | Articles

article | July 3, 2014

The inductive Bible study method involves answering three questions: What does it say? (Observation) What does it mean? (Interpretation) What should I do? (Application) Observation Summarize After reading a passage, try to come up with a title. Look for a key verse …

Stand for Truth Thursday: You’re Not the Only One | Articles

article | May 26, 2016

Just in case you thought the heroes of the Bible never lost their cool, check out 1 Kings 19:1–18. Here's a snapshot: Elijah is a prophet appointed by God to call the people of Israel back to pure worship of the One …

30-Day Praying for Your Pastor's Wife Challenge | Articles

article | May 20, 2011

A pastor’s wife is often in the shadow of the man who fills the pulpit every Sunday. Most of the time, she is pleased that God has called her husband to this place of selfless service, but there are days when she …

Transformation: How Does It Happen? | Articles

article | August 22, 2001

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2 (NIV). Recently I ran into a woman I had not seen for several weeks. I hardly recognized her. Her hair, …

Keeping the Peace at Church | Articles

article | November 30, 2010

If you've been following the blog the past few days, you know I've been writing about living at peace with others. If you don't mind, I'd like to revisit a couple of verses that remind us that maintaining peace in our relationships …

How to Create a Mentoring Culture | Articles

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article | February 6, 2020

In any group of people—friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or even in a church—a unique culture develops. There’s a typical way of doing things, a common language or way of speaking, predictable reactions to stress or challenges, and traditions for celebrating milestones. As …

Should you get a tattoo or piercing? | Articles

article | July 28, 2011

Getting my ears pierced was a big deal at my house. Despite years of begging, my mom made me wait until my tenth birthday. When I (finally) hit double digits, my mom planned a special trip to Walmart, where I picked out …

Choosing Brokenness | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

The small band of church leaders had been praying earnestly for revival in their community—a village on the Isle of Lewis, the largest isle of the Outer Hebrides, just off the coast of Scotland. They were particularly burdened for the young people …