
897 Results

Write A New Story | Articles

article | December 31, 2012

It's been a month of stories here on the blog. You started by telling me your very favorite stories, and we've wrapped up the month by taking a second look at the greatest story ever told. Sigh. I just love a good …

Because Immanuel Changes Everything | Articles

article | December 12, 2013

The book of 1 Samuel records a great battle between the people of God, the Israelites, and one of their fiercest enemies, the Philistines. Israel lost 4,000 men on the battlefield in a single day. In the face of such crushing defeat, …

Cry Out in the Storm | Articles

article | October 12, 2020

For he commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea. They mounted up to heaven; they went down to the depths; their courage melted away in their evil plight; they reeled and staggered like drunken men …

Prayer Is the Key to Successful Ministry | Articles

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article | October 14, 2019

When I accepted the job as women’s ministry director at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, I was excited and scared to death at the same time. Even though I had served for ten years on staff with Cru and had just graduated …

Resting in the Presence of Immanuel this Christmas | Articles

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article | November 30, 2020

It’s not surprising that the infinite God of the universe has many names—names that aren’t merely titles or designations, but names that describe His character and ascribe Him the glory He is due. God displays His own focus on names as Isaiah …

Dear Women’s Ministry Leader: A Letter from Susan Hunt | Articles

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article | May 14, 2020

Dear Women’s Ministry Leader, As an eighty-year-old widow of a pastor (my precious husband died five months ago) and a former women’s ministry leader, I have reflected on your present reality of serving in the context of COVID-19. For decades, on Wednesday …

How to Create a Mentoring Culture | Articles

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article | February 6, 2020

In any group of people—friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or even in a church—a unique culture develops. There’s a typical way of doing things, a common language or way of speaking, predictable reactions to stress or challenges, and traditions for celebrating milestones. As …

Help for Making Hard Decisions | Articles

article | July 2, 2015

I still remember sitting at my youth leader's kitchen table, a senior in high school, worrying about having to choose a college. A deadline was quickly approaching, and I was frustrated that God didn't send a messenger who would put me out …

What Are You Waiting For? | Articles

article | May 10, 2010

I know how it feels to wait. In 2008, we received a frightening diagnosis for my son, Eli, while he was still in my womb. We prayed earnestly for more than seven months before God’s healing came. Nearly every night I prayed …

Are You an Isolationist or a Curator? | Articles

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article | August 31, 2015

When it comes to studying the Bible, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns or extremes. But in order to grow in our relationship with Christ, as well as grow in wisdom, we need balance. Two Extremes As a Bible …