
897 Results

Announcing the Revive Our Hearts Summer Book Club! | Articles

article | June 24, 2020

Hello faithful blog readers! For the second summer in a row, we’re bringing you a surprise book club! If you were with us last year, we delved into Elisabeth Elliot’s book Suffering Is Never for Nothing together. Who could have known what …

Heaven Rules | Articles

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article | September 22, 2022

A ruler—a smooth edged strip used for measuring. A ruler—one possessing supreme power to reign. Trouble when We call ourselves rulers. Use a broken stick as a measure. Think finite minds can gauge the scope Delineate things of infinite scale. When ego …

Book Club: This Changes Everything, Chapter 1 | Articles

article | June 12, 2017

We hope you’re reading This Changes Everything by Jaquelle Crowe along with us. This week we tackled Chapter 1: Our Identity. Check out the vlog below for a quick overview. This Changes Everything In chapter 1, Jaquelle points us to this passage, …

Ministering When It's Inconvenient | Articles

article | January 28, 2010

In Matthew 15:29, we find Jesus trying to rest on a mountainside. He barely sat down when a crowd of people came to Him looking to be healed. How did He respond? He healed them. When Jesus received word that His cousin, …

A Different Kind of Best-Dressed List | Articles

article | March 15, 2010

Did you watch the Oscars? I did! I watched every second from the pre-show specials to the after show commentary. I loved it! It's not that I'm a huge movie buff. To be honest I've already forgotten who won the big awards. …

Cry Out in the Storm | Articles

article | October 12, 2020

For he commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea. They mounted up to heaven; they went down to the depths; their courage melted away in their evil plight; they reeled and staggered like drunken men …

Leaders Need Mentors | Articles

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article | May 2, 2016

Have you ever heard children argue with one another? One says, "You started it!" The other says, "Did not!" The first child responds, "Did too!" And on and on it goes until a parent intervenes. I had a conversation with an older …

What Are You Waiting For? | Articles

article | May 3, 2010

I bet you’ve played a version of the comparison game. Maybe you are constantly judging whether or not other girls are smarter than you, or more popular or more athletic. Maybe you find yourself in constant competition with an older sibling or …

Consider Those Who Are New | Articles

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article | August 8, 2016

We just moved from one state to another. Everywhere I go, I am new. I am new to the neighborhood, new to the church, new to my kids' activities. The roads are new to me. The way things are done in each …

It’s Our Responsibility to Raise up Younger Leaders | Articles

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article | July 6, 2020

Each of my life roles involve elements that are energizing and elements that are draining. I delight in long talks with my teenage kids; I am zapped when I must address the same issue over and over. I love cooking; I loathe …