
905 Results

Help for the Busy Woman | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

If you ask a woman today, “How are you doing?” chances are the response will be a sigh or a groan, followed by words like “We’ve got so much going on in our family!” “I just can’t keep up with everything I’ve …

Cry Out for the Election | Articles

article | October 22, 2020

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. —Jeremiah 29:7 Don’t we all wish someone would run with this …

Where Are the Wailing Women? | Articles

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article | September 19, 2022

Where are the wailing women? Call for the wailing women to come and cry out Since our nation lay in a casket Tell them to come and mourn over her America is a mother without a pulse She lay in a casket …

The Truth That Sets Us Free | Articles

article | October 19, 2001

(Download PDF for bookmark.) 1. God is good (Ps. 119:68; 136:1). 2. God loves me and wants me to have His best (Rom. 8:32, 38–39). 3. I am complete and accepted in Christ (Eph. 1:6). 4. God is enough (Ps. 23:1). 5. …

Don't Hit The Snooze On This | Articles

article | April 9, 2013

"I'm so glad I got to spend this time with you, Erin" she said, "because now I know how to pray for you." These were the words of a sweet lady named Emma who was tasked with picking me up at the …

Before You Set the Table | Articles

article | November 15, 2017

Imagine it’s Thanksgiving morning and festivities will be held at your house this year. Your family sleeps in. No one is in any rush to get started. Your dad forgot to thaw the turkey, so you’ll be having your dinner with a …

We Are the First Responders | Articles

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article | June 3, 2019

None of us who watched in horror as the events of 9/11 unfolded will ever forget the first responders. Of the 2,977 victims who died that fateful day, more than 412 were emergency workers who showed up to help. This graphic memory …

Completing the Picture | Articles

article | January 24, 2018

Everybody studies the Bible a little differently. Personally, I take it one book at a time. I stay in that book until I’ve read and annotated (that’s a fancy word for “add notes to”) the whole thing. Then I move on to …

10 Ways to Study the Bible | Articles

article | January 8, 2015

The following post is one of our most read posts of all times. I guess lots of girls are looking for practical ways to study the Bible. Since we are focusing on God's Word all month, we dug this post up from …

The Best/Worst Day Ever | Articles

article | February 17, 2023

Today my calendar is stamped with the words “Good Friday.” What a strange way to commemorate this date. At least that’s how it seems at first. If we could travel through time to the first “good Friday,” today would not feel like …