
897 Results

Mary’s Radical Trust Fall | Articles

article | December 11, 2020

Your reputation is spotless. You strive for purity. You don’t flaunt your body for watching eyes, and you’ve never invited a man to cross a line with you. You’re engaged to your childhood crush, and he’s crazy about you. He’s sweet, and …

Offer a Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving | Articles

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article | November 18, 2019

I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High. (Psalm 7:17) I will never forget a season of my life about sixteen years ago when …

Women Teaching in the Church? | Articles

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article | August 17, 2015

It may be better to sleep on the corner of the rooftop than live with a quarrelsome woman, but friends, educate that woman, and there is hardly a limit to what she can do with her mouth and mind—for good or evil. …

A Call to Biblical Womanhood | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

Due to the modern feminist revolution, the value of women has come to be equated with their roles in the community and in the marketplace. Relatively little value is assigned to women’s roles in the home. Today, no bouquets are handed out …

Best Of: What If I've Blown It? | Articles

article | January 21, 2013

In response to our posts on love and romance, many of you have written to us to tell us that you've messed up in the area of purity. When it comes to being physically and emotionally pure, clearly many of you feel …

Three Reasons Why the Trinity Matters | Articles

article | March 13, 2014

the·ol·o·gy noun : the study of God We study God through His Word each Thursday on the blog. Our goal is to present the truth of God in a way you can digest and apply. This week we'll tackle the Trinity found …

Reaching the Introverts in Your Women’s Ministry | Articles

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article | May 14, 2018

As I listen to women, I’m always on the hunt for themes. I ask myself: What issues are multiple women facing? What hurts or reservations am I hearing on repeat? Several months ago, I noticed one such pattern. I heard it spoken …

There's A Hole In My Sidewalk | Articles

article | June 27, 2013

My pastor recently read us this short, five-chapter story as a way to explain the progression of temptation in each of our lives. Chapter One I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I …

Christmas in Reverse: The Epicenter | Articles

article | December 19, 2016

If you had to pick the single, most important moment in history, what would you pick? Creation? The fall of man? The invention of fire? The signing of the Declaration of Independence? Maybe, if you’re in the Christmas spirit, you’d select the …

Driving Nails To Kill | Articles

article | June 12, 2012

Thanks to everyone who wrote a tribute to your dad! We'll be featuring three of those on the blog tomorrow through Friday. Just a word of warning: When you present your tribute to your dad on Father's Day, ask God to help …