
897 Results

Why This is the Most Important Week of the Year | Articles

article | April 18, 2011

Yesterday marked the beginning of the seven days leading up to the resurrection of Jesus. It's called Holy Week because there's never been a more sacred seven days. Something huge and important happened every day this week more than 2,000 years ago, …

Simply Still: A Different Kind of Christmas Event | Articles

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article | October 17, 2016

In our complex, digitized, hyper-programmed, and supersonic-paced world, the challenge to turn off, dial down, and pull away seems insurmountable. Sisters, let’s not accept frenzy as an inevitable force that can’t be overcome. Jesus affectionately showed Martha (and her modern-day look-alikes!) that …

Finding Freedom From Porn | Articles

article | September 3, 2013

I recently read about a girl who was strolling through a local chain store, when she felt a sudden and overwhelming urge for a chocolate candy bar. The urge became so powerful that she forgot what she was doing and headed straight …

Book Club: This Changes Everything, Chapter 8 | Articles

article | July 31, 2017

According to personality tests, I’m 98 percent extroverted, which means I thrive on being with people. I feel energized by my relationships with others. If I go too many days without some serious human interaction, I start to feel a little stir …

Curbing the Craving for Praise | Articles

article | June 2, 2008

In 1995, following a week when I addressed a large conference for Christian workers on the topic of brokenness, I experienced a dramatic increase in invitations to speak at other gatherings. I was truly grateful and deeply awed by what God had …

Getting God Off the Back Burner | Articles

article | January 16, 2015

I looked my husband in the eyes and told him how much I loved him. I said, "You are the most important person to me. I can't imagine loving you any more than I already do. You are so valuable and special …

Esther: Trusting God’s Plan Week 1 | Articles

article | April 8, 2020

Can you think of a time in your life when it felt like God just . . . wasn’t showing up? Maybe you got blindsided by some bad news, and the heartbreak wrecked you. All you wanted was healing, but the pain …

Connected | Articles

article | October 17, 2014

Daisies and T-Top Corvettes I was just about to start cooking supper when my mom called out of the blue. "Can we come pick up the boys and take them to the movies?" Hot diggity! My night just got a lot more …

What Does the Bible Say About Food? | Articles

article | November 26, 2014

I encourage you to nudge your family toward healthy conversations about food at the Thanksgiving table. But what does the Bible say about food, exactly? Christ cares about every nook and cranny of our lives. His Word offers guidance for daily living, …

Cry Out Again and Again | Articles

article | October 7, 2020

Again the Israelites cried out to the Lord, and he gave them a deliverer—Ehud, a left-handed man, the son of Gera the Benjamite. The Israelites sent him with tribute to Eglon king of Moab. —Judges 3:15 (NIV) Are you ready to give …