
654 Results

Best Of: Are Beautiful Girls Really Worth More? | Articles

article | January 7, 2013

I recently saw a news story about a website that is gaining popularity at an incredible rate. In fact, the site snagged one million new members last month alone. I won't share the web address, because it's not a site I want …

Christmas in Reverse: Sinners Wanted | Articles

article | December 22, 2016

All week we’ve been reading Christmas in reverse. We started with the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb and worked our way backward to His birth. Honestly, the waiting felt a little tedious at times, didn’t it? Our hearts long to see …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 6 | Articles

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article | June 8, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1-3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured …

An Open Invitation to a Thirsty Soul | Articles

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article | May 20, 2022

More often than not, in the corner of my kitchen, there’s a perky arrangement of fresh flowers. Blue mophead hydrangeas freshly cut from the garden are my flower of choice. The name hydrangea originated from two words, water hydros and jar angos. …

Topics in the Book of Proverbs | Articles

article | January 1, 2008

Money Matters Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. (13:11) An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end. (20:21) Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, …

Cutting Edge Commitments | Articles

article | September 9, 2020

At Revive Our Hearts, we're committed to serving the Lord with excellence. These twelve values are an important part of our ministry DNA and guide how we operate in all areas. 1. The Lordship of Christ and the Authority of Scripture Colossians …

How the Father’s Pruning Grows Leaders | Articles

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article | December 10, 2020

Do you have scars that tell stories?1 I have three notable scars. The oldest goes back to when I was four years old and was bitten by a German shepherd dog. After all these years, the evidence of that frightening experience is …

How Reading the Whole Bible Changed My Life Forever | Articles

article | January 5, 2015

By God's grace, I just finished reading the Bible for the fifth time. When I was in my twenties, I don't think it ever occurred to me that I could actually read the whole Bible. It wasn't until I was thirty-three and …

Crazy–Jesus–Love | Articles

article | February 14, 2018

She covered her face with her hands. Shamed. Defiled. Caught. The officials pushed her out the door and onto the street. The passersby drew back and crossed to walk on the other side of the road, looking back with disgust. But she …

If Jesus Wrote a Letter to Your Church | Articles

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article | November 23, 2020

If Jesus wrote a letter to your church, would your cheeks glow from His encouragement or burn from His rebuke? Jesus applauded the church at Philadelphia’s faithfulness and encouraged them with gracious promises (Rev. 3:7–12). But the church in Laodicea received a …