
897 Results

Be a Mentor | Articles

article | August 28, 2009

Teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be …

Christmas in Reverse | Articles

article | December 15, 2016

Christmas morning isn’t the final destination, you know? It’s more like our starting point. Long after the presents are unwrapped and the Christmas candy is eaten, the hope of Christmas remains. Jesus didn’t stay in a manger; He didn’t remain a babe …

A New Definition of Gossip | Articles

article | May 19, 2010

“It’s not gossip if it’s true.” “She didn’t say that it’s a secret, so it’s not gossip.” “I’m only telling you this so you can pray for her. That’s not gossip, right?” Have you ever heard anyone defend their speech like this? …

Does God Still Reveal Whom We Should Marry? | Articles

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article | December 28, 2017

The Lord answered Abraham’s prayer for a wife for his son Isaac with a sign and a drinking jar (Gen. 24). He told Hosea exactly when he should seek a wife and what kind of woman she should be (Hos. 1:2). An …

8 Strategies to Help You Stand Firm at School | Articles

article | September 11, 2017

Going back to school can be a difficult time of transition. The challenges, pressures, and temptations that inevitably come with every school environment can be tough to navigate. I guess that’s why one reader recently emailed me with this request: How do …

Is There a Monster in Your Heart? | Articles

article | May 31, 2016

Did you know that our archives are jam-packed with posts created to point you to God's truth? It's true! We opened the vault and dusted off this post on jealousy. Check it out. Then spend some time surfing through our archives. There's …

Who Do You Work For? | Articles

article | June 3, 2010

Hey, Chicas! Erin asked me to tackle some of your questions since I’m an “NBM” like you (a “Never Been Married”). Some of you are asking questions like, “Is college okay?” “Is having a job at all okay?” Ummm . . . …

Prayer Box Or Prayer Life? | Articles

article | October 22, 2012

Last fall my prayer life was in a rut. No energy. No interest. I was zoning out during my devos. The one steady part of my routine was that my prayer journal got filled each day. I sort of felt that if …

Two Leadership Lessons I Learned in 2020 | Articles

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article | December 14, 2020

There is never an easy or uncontroversial time to lead. It just doesn’t exist. Let’s face it, leading in 2020 has been a challenge (and that’s clearly an understatement). But along with all the new and different ways of ministry thrust upon …

We Are the First Responders | Articles

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article | June 3, 2019

None of us who watched in horror as the events of 9/11 unfolded will ever forget the first responders. Of the 2,977 victims who died that fateful day, more than 412 were emergency workers who showed up to help. This graphic memory …