
654 Results

Resolutions for Godly Living | Articles

article | June 7, 2011

Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ's sake. Remember to read …

Call off the Hunt for Happiness | Articles

article | May 8, 2017

I double tied my sneakers, threw my hair back into a ponytail, and grabbed my earphones. My eye caught the reflection I made in the mirror as I passed, and I hesitated for just a moment before moving in. I critiqued my …

25 of Nancy's Favorite Hymns | Articles

article | March 27, 2009

Next to reading the Bible, singing—to and about the Lord—has probably been the activity that has produced the greatest encouragement in my Christian walk. Many of the choruses that we sing today are meaningful expressions of love and devotion to the Lord. …

Forgiveness: Setting Your Captives Free! | Articles

article | October 6, 2009

Have you ever found yourself making (or thinking) any of the following statements? As you work through this exercise, consider how God may want to adjust your thinking as it relates to the issue of forgiveness. 1. “There’s no unforgiveness in my …

Efficient Work, Sufficient Rest | Articles

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article | January 16, 2017

God gives us work (Gen. 1:26), and it is important, dignified, good, and holy. From the beginning, God created a cycle of work and rest for our good. When Adam and Eve rebelled against their Creator’s will (Gen. 3), the joyful work …

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #2: A Leader’s Prayer | Articles

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article | August 8, 2019

Today, we’re continuing the blog series The Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide with tool #2 from Judy Dunagan. I love Judy’s heart for prayer and its central role in our ministries. I’m taking notes, and I hope you will too! How is …

Is It Time for a Ministry Inspection? | Articles

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article | January 30, 2023

The home repair industry recommends an annual building inspection. You may wonder whether once a year is really necessary, but professionals contend that regular inspections will uncover minor issues before they become major. Consider: without careful scrutiny of the substructure, you won’t …

Today's Woman | Articles

article | December 5, 2001

I have grown up in a generation in which terms such as “women's lib,” “feminism,” “equal rights,” and “egalitarian marriage” are practically household words. Our society no longer promotes God's values for the woman. Femininity, modesty, discretion, virtue, and graciousness are seemingly …

3 Destructive Snares Threatening Ministry Leaders | Articles

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article | March 12, 2020

Recently, we’ve seen influential and respected church leaders fail, disqualifying themselves from vocational ministry. Failure after failure disturbs us, and we wonder how this can happen. What events or patterns or missteps led to such unfortunate ends? Of course, we can take …

Overcoming the Curse of Words | Articles

article | December 30, 2003

The curse of words includes words spoken by others (or even by yourself) that are intended to inflict harm or damage, to belittle you, or to wish you evil. Consider the example of David, cursed and belittled by Shimei, in 2 Samuel …