
897 Results

Knowing Your Group | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

The better you know and understand the members in your class enables you connect more quickly and deeply with them. Here are some principles to develop that connection. Understand preconceived assumptions about your class. Know if your class is marketed with low …

It's All About Me | Articles

article | October 21, 2008

I saw an interesting bumper sticker this week. It said simply, “It’s all about me!” I thought to myself, “Really? That’s the one statement you want to make to the world?” Of all the things that person could have taken a stand …

Encouraging One Another | Articles

article | October 7, 2009

In a world where terrorism, war, violence, and divorce are everyday topics, one of the most vital ministries we can have as women, is the ministry of encouragement. We have all known what it is to be discouraged. And we all know …

The Best Question to Ask of Your Women's Ministry | Articles

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article | September 24, 2018

In women’s ministry, we ask lots of questions. When we get together with our teams or committees to discuss and plan the next semester or the next year, we ask one another questions to make necessary decisions about ministry. And they are …

'I Haven’t Seen Them for A While' | Articles

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article | January 11, 2016

It's not a unique experience, but it still stings. It starts with a simple Sunday afternoon question, "Have you seen Bill and Amy lately?" "No, I haven't seen them for a while, have you?" You both realize that they have been MIW …

25 Rules for Strong Friendships | Articles

article | June 14, 2018

We could all use a little help in the relationship department from time to time. Here are twenty-five “rules” for friendship, straight out of the book of Proverbs. Rule #1: Don’t get mad over nothing. Do not contend with a man for …

Stand For Truth Thursday: Don’t Just Drop the Mic | Articles

article | February 18, 2016

When I think about “standing for truth,” this uneasy feeling awakes inside me, and socially-awkward visions of feeling like an outsider start to play in my mind’s eye. I think of those times in high school when I wracked my brain for …

My Husband Doesn't Make Me Happy | Articles

article | May 13, 2014

I'm married to a great guy. He's handsome. He's sweet. After seventeen years together, he still sends me flowers. He opens doors, gives long hugs, and always tells me I'm beautiful. I'm typing this blog post while sitting at a table he …

Is God an American? | Articles

article | July 3, 2014

the·ol·o·gy noun : the study of God We study God through His Word each Thursday on the blog. Our goal is to present the truth of God in a way you can digest and apply. In honor of our nation's birthday, this …

Living Life Together: Let It Grow! (part 2) | Articles

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article | October 16, 2017

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, …