
654 Results

A Week of Thanksgiving | Articles

article | May 23, 2011

God’s Word teaches that thankfulness ought to be a way of life. But in the reality of our daily lives, it is so easy for discontentment, murmuring, complaining, criticizing, or even bitterness to displace the “attitude of gratitude.” Cultivating a thankful heart …

Wonders of His Love | Articles

article | December 25, 2019

Sweet medleys of December enter in twinkly fashion. A little tinsel here, some snow flurries there. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” we’re told. Do we believe that? It sure seems like it with all the parties to host, marshmallows …

Why We Must Stop Squashing Women’s Stories | Articles

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article | September 23, 2019

Brittany stood bravely before the audience at her church’s women’s retreat. Like most women would be, she was nervous and uncomfortable. What she planned to share would be shocking, but she refused to let fear stop her from testifying how God miraculously …

Can the Satan Read Your Mind? A Biblical Perspective | Articles

article | April 22, 2009

“Can Satan read our thoughts?” It’s a question you’ve been asking on the blog lately and a question many Christians have asked in the past. I can understand why the answer seems important. Admittedly, it is frightening to consider the possibility that …

Cry Out for the Election | Articles

article | October 22, 2020

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. —Jeremiah 29:7 Don’t we all wish someone would run with this …

Ignite a Prayer Uprising in Your Ministry | Articles

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article | January 20, 2020

For as long as I can remember, my Grandma Nessa has been described as a mighty prayer warrior. Though she was killed in a car accident in 1974, her five sons and sixteen grandchildren have always remembered her as a woman who …

Techniques to Stimulate Small Group Discussion | Articles

article | July 7, 2014

How is it that some group meetings have vibrant discussions while others fall flat? A good group meeting is when biblical truth has been fleshed out and admired by the members, each person has contributed in some way to the flow of …

How to Plan a Leaders' Retreat | Articles

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article | April 16, 2018

Some of my most cherished memories from serving as a Director of Women's Ministries come from the annual Women’s Board getaway to seek the Lord together. What initially began as a half-day devoted to corporate prayer and fasting morphed into a full-fledged …

Pursuing the King as Your First Priority | Articles

article | January 26, 2016

A friend once confided to me, “I’m ashamed to admit that I spend a lot more time on Facebook and in front of the television than I do in God’s Word.” Our relationship with Christ can’t truly flourish unless we learn to …

Gospel Guidelines for Offering Correction | Articles

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article | June 18, 2018

If you’ve ever come under fire from a boss or leader who criticized you in irrational anger or cruel harshness, you probably never forgot the stinging experience. Sadly, it happens even in ministry. Some leaders haven’t yet learned to offer a critique …