
654 Results

Is It Wrong to Want to Make Lots of Money? | Articles

article | May 24, 2016

A soon-to-be-graduate asked: I really want a career that not only glorifies God but also gives me financial security. Am I wrong? I think the answer depends on two things: 1) her definition of financial security, and 2) her motivation for wanting …

The Attitude of Gratitude | Articles

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article | October 7, 2009

After more than two decades of ministry to hurting people, I have come to believe that a failure to give thanks is at the heart of much, if not most, of the sense of gloom, despair, and despondency that is so pervasive …

Playing the 'If Only' Game | Articles

article | October 6, 2003

I remember talking years ago with a young mother who had a two-year-old child and one-year-old twins. She said with a sigh, “I was never an impatient person—until I had these twins!” This lady believed what most of us have believed at …

Crushing the Weight of Loneliness | Articles

article | January 10, 2017

As I write to you, it’s still Christmastime. I’m nestled in my armchair in front of the fireplace and next to our tree, shining with its lights and silver ornaments. I’ve got coffee to sip and Christmas music playing, and I just …

Write as You Read | Articles

article | December 28, 2011

Without question, next to the Holy Spirit, the single greatest help in my personal devotional life has been to read the Scripture with paper and pen in hand so I can record insights from the Word. As I write down what God …

Book Club: This Changes Everything, Chapter 8 | Articles

article | July 31, 2017

According to personality tests, I’m 98 percent extroverted, which means I thrive on being with people. I feel energized by my relationships with others. If I go too many days without some serious human interaction, I start to feel a little stir …

Brokenness and Revival: The Perfect Blend of Heat and Sweet | Articles

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article | October 7, 2019

Introducing someone to brokenness and revival can be like introducing them to sushi. “Here, eat this seaweed-wrapped raw fish draped over gummy rice with a swipe of green mustard so hot it will clear the nostrils of your descendants. You’re gonna love …

Stop, I Want to Get Off! | Articles

article | July 20, 2001

Some time ago, I asked the women who were attending a weekend conference where I was speaking to write on a 3x5 card why they had come and what it was they were hoping God would do in their lives through the …

Netflix of All Comfort | Articles

article | March 22, 2016

In the words of one of my favorite childhood book characters, I'd had a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." You know the type, right? Bad news comes like cars on a train, one after another. Or you just can't get …

Learn to Love Ministry Recruitment Using 7 Proven Steps | Articles

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article | March 17, 2015

Love it or hate it? When it comes to recruiting volunteers, do you view it as a battle to avoid or a challenge to embrace? Finding the full complement of servants to fill each ministry role is a daunting task—but it doesn’t …