
654 Results

Nancy’s Tips for Advent Preparation | Articles

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article | November 25, 2019

Over the years, whenever Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth speaks, I’ve learned to lean in and listen. Through her daily teaching ministry and books, she’s become my dearest mentor. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s yours, too. May I share a secret with you? …

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 3 | Articles

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article | June 3, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1–3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance. —Hebrews …

Leslie’s Prayer: Cry Out for Salvation | Articles

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article | October 26, 2020

Editor’s Note: You can pray with Leslie each Wednesday in the Revive Our Hearts Leader Facebook Group. Catch her Together in Prayer videos weekly, and watch for a special edition to pray for our nation’s election on November 1–3. The Lord is …

Mirror, Mirror on The Wall: The Decision to Live Your Life For Go | Articles

article | June 7, 2011

There's no question about it. The decision to live your life for God's glory will require some tough choices. It will probably take more time to shop, and your clothing may actually cost a little more. You may not look as cool …

Ministering to Moms of Prodigal Children | Articles

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article | April 24, 2017

The trial of a prodigal child is a uniquely painful one for a woman. As we live in a day in which the enemy is coming after our children in an unprecedented way, we will increasingly find ourselves ministering to a mother …

Four Benefits of Group Prayer in Women’s Ministry | Articles

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article | October 21, 2019

Few, if any of us, would deny prayer’s value. But if we as a community of leaders are brutally honest, is group prayer as high of a priority to us as recruiting and shepherding leaders, teaching and training, or casting vision? In …

A Prayer from a Mom for Moms | Articles

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article | May 8, 2017

Join your heart with Leslie as you listen and pray along. Mothers bear a primary responsibility of instilling truth to future generations who will love and serve the Lord. It’s a sacred and high calling entrusted to women. A mother is a …

The Lure of Self-Promotion | Articles

article | December 22, 2014

Some time during my early teens, I decided I wanted to be a famous musician. I'd been singing and performing for most of my life. People (mostly biased family members) were always telling me I had talent and that I was a …

3 Skills Bible Teachers Must Teach | Articles

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article | October 12, 2015

Extensive research reveals the trend of evangelical Christian's knowledge of Scripture is decreasing every year. A seminary professor made this sobering statement in a course designed to prepare the next generation of Bible teachers. As an older student sitting among mostly young …

Different Ways of Deceiving | Articles

article | June 1, 2011

1. Exaggeration All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward [crooked] or perverse in them (Prov. 8:8 KJV). Do I exaggerate past accomplishments? Am I exaggerating the results or fruits of my efforts in serving the Lord? …